Strat-O-Matic Fielding Page

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Strat-O-Matic Fielding Page

PostSun Oct 11, 2015 8:00 pm

I know this topic has been discussed in the past, but what exactly do the numbers represent in the tables on this page? ... atfldg.htm


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Re: Strat-O-Matic Fielding Page

PostSun Oct 11, 2015 11:01 pm

someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they are runs given up.


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Re: Strat-O-Matic Fielding Page

PostSun Oct 11, 2015 11:54 pm

I use the per game column---it is equivalent to On Base and Total Bases allowed per game in card chances--add them together for OPS allowed---If you have a strategy book there is OB and TB listed in card chances for each hitter---this is what they allow to the other team in the field.

The infield ratings are very accurate.

The outfield ratings are off a bit in my opinion (other than the one fielders in the OF, which appear correct to me) the 2,3,4,5 outfielders are somewhat better than the chart.


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Re: Strat-O-Matic Fielding Page

PostMon Oct 12, 2015 12:22 am

So, to make sure I understand, let's take Justin Turner for RHP. His offensive OB+TB=102.7 from the ratings chart. He is a 4e18 at 3B, which gives his defensive OB+TB=27.3, for a net OB+TB=(102.7-27.3)=75.4? Do you have an estimate for how far off the OF ratings are? 5? 10?


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Re: Strat-O-Matic Fielding Page

PostMon Oct 12, 2015 1:42 am

lpezzeme wrote:So, to make sure I understand, let's take Justin Turner for RHP. His offensive OB+TB=102.7 from the ratings chart. He is a 4e18 at 3B, which gives his defensive OB+TB=27.3, for a net OB+TB=(102.7-27.3)=75.4? Do you have an estimate for how far off the OF ratings are? 5? 10?

For Turner, that is the way I figure it---He is a net +75.4 player at 3b, It's a way to compare him to other better fielding/worse hitting 3B.

What I do for the OF is this--the 1 column seems correct all the way down for all the error ratings, and all the others (2,3,4,5 ratings) are only correct for the e0 rating--- for a 4e16 LF for instance I take the 4 e0 LF total and then I add the difference of 1e0 LF and 1e16 LF to the 4e0 rating.


for 4e16 LF the charts add to 45.2 total (or -45.2 the way I look at it)--this, to me, is a bit worse than it should be.

I use 4e0 LF (-24.3) and then add the 1e16 (-14-7 total) for a -39.0 rating.

I'm not saying I am right, but I figured this a few years ago and found my ratings agreed within a couple of tenths of a point with the inf and 1 OF ratings---There may be some factor I am missing in the OF though.

By the way this chart considers Doubles and 2B errors allowed as one and the same as far as TB allowed.


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Re: Strat-O-Matic Fielding Page

PostMon Oct 12, 2015 2:18 am

Thanks! I just started using the ratings charts this year, and more recently began calculating RC=OBXTB, but then realized that I really needed to take defense into account and was thinking these fielding charts could be used, but I wasn't sure how.


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Re: Strat-O-Matic Fielding Page

PostWed Oct 14, 2015 10:56 am

Does anyone have, or know where to find, that fielding chart in Excel or some other downloadable format? Thanks.


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Re: Strat-O-Matic Fielding Page

PostWed Oct 14, 2015 1:27 pm


If you want to use the multiplication in RC=OB x TB, you must substract the defense from the offense before the multiplication. (OB_offense-OB_defense)X(TB_offense-TB_defense).

If you stick to OB+TB, you better multiply the on-base before hand: 1.2*OB + TB, otherwise your ratings will be biased towards sluggers.

Better yet, you should use a linear weight formula such like the NERP that Dean has used here: ... efense.pdf

Dean's formula is:(TB * .318) + ((BB+HBP-CS-GIDP) * .333) + (H * .25) + (SB * .2) - (AB * .085).

This formula is exactly equal to a traditional linear weights formula: 0.48*singles+0.80*double+1.11*triples+1.44*homeruns - 0.1*regular outs- 0.33 for dp.

Dean's NERP doesn't consider clutch, speed, and other things. I'll write abou this soon.

Dean has provided a table for all positions except catcher in the file.


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Re: Strat-O-Matic Fielding Page

PostFri Oct 16, 2015 12:22 am

Thanks for the calculation notes for RC and (OB+TB). They make sense.

As for NERP, I wanted to use data just from the ratings database, and the SB/CS calculations seem rather tedious, although I see there is a version of NERP without them (Diamond Dope).

In any case, I assume that (BB+HBP) is gotten from (OB-H) on the ratings chart? I don't want to count cards.

I can see how to do BP adjustments for HR from the ratings chart, but not for H. What am I missing?


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Re: Strat-O-Matic Fielding Page

PostFri Oct 16, 2015 2:42 am

In any case, I assume that (BB+HBP) is gotten from (OB-H) on the ratings chart?


I can see how to do BP adjustments for HR from the ratings chart, but not for H. What am I missing?

Actually, on the ratings chart, all hitters are assumed to have 5 chances to get stadium singles except those who have a star next to the BP number. For example, a 8* means that the guy has 8 BP chances for homeruns, but no chances to get a stadium single (as opposed to simply 8).

For SB and CS, I know Dean proposed to calculate the probability of SB and CS based on the real-life results:

real life SB / real life PA X 648 PA X injury risk reduction

and similarly

real life CS / real life PA X 648 PA X injury risk reduction

You can obtain easily the real life stats by downloading the online SOM file, the same file where you get the salary. You have to be careful to match the names of the STRAT file and the online SOM file---especially for those who share the same name and the firstname first letter (Murphy, D. for example)---you better rank teams as well as names to make sure you get it right.

Personnally, if I were to use Dean's formula, I would reduce the SB estimation by multiplying a reduced ratio:

real-life SB / real-life PA X 648 PA X injury risk reduction X 85% or 90%

(to better reflect the real STRAT sb players will get...they always get less SB in online strat than in real life based on similar PA)

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