Not a question but a (brief) rant..out of position catchers

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Re: Not a question but a (brief) rant..out of position catch

PostSat Jun 13, 2015 2:30 pm

I never knew that was the rule but I sort of assumed that it was. And of course, after a while, when you never see a 2nd catcher get injured then the rule becomes apparent. But thanks for letting everyone know for sure--I was almost sure that Hal wouldn't let the 2nd catcher get injured but there was a little uncertainty. Now I know.


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Re: Not a question but a (brief) rant..out of position catch

PostTue Aug 18, 2015 10:46 pm

i just learned this a couple days ago with a three catcher squad I had my first two bout out extended. Had I not done that roster error, I might still in the race because that 3rd catcher is hitting .100 and I've lost 8 or 10 since the debacle started tumbling out of the race. From 4 games out to 10...getting swept by two teams ahead of me...Ouch!!!

Joe Morgan

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Re: Not a question but a (brief) rant..out of position catch

PostFri Oct 30, 2015 6:47 pm

Any idea where I can find the "bulletproof" rule. I play online and on the computer with friends. On the computer we did our 162 season and entered into the playoffs. We play best of 7 for divisional and best of 7 for the WS. We just set our 25 man roster and create a "new unscheduled game" for each game. So it is not in season format. We keep track of injuries ourselves. In the division series, I lose Brian McCann in Game 4 for 15 games (season) and in game 5, I lose Mesoraco for 15 games ............... because Brian McCann "appears" to be healthy on my bench. I win the series and was thinking I needed to use a non-catcher in the position for the WS. If I can find the bulletproof rule somewhere, I may be able to use Mesoraco as he shouldn't have been injured to begin with.



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Re: Not a question but a (brief) rant..out of position catch

PostFri Oct 30, 2015 7:31 pm

Joe Morgan wrote:Any idea where I can find the "bulletproof" rule. I play online and on the computer with friends. On the computer we did our 162 season and entered into the playoffs. We play best of 7 for divisional and best of 7 for the WS. We just set our 25 man roster and create a "new unscheduled game" for each game. So it is not in season format. We keep track of injuries ourselves. In the division series, I lose Brian McCann in Game 4 for 15 games (season) and in game 5, I lose Mesoraco for 15 games ............... because Brian McCann "appears" to be healthy on my bench. I win the series and was thinking I needed to use a non-catcher in the position for the WS. If I can find the bulletproof rule somewhere, I may be able to use Mesoraco as he shouldn't have been injured to begin with.


Bad news: The "bulletproof" rule is unique to the SOM online game. So, both of your catchers are indeed injured in your computer league.


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Re: Not a question but a (brief) rant..out of position catch

PostSat Oct 31, 2015 11:19 pm

A lesser known aspect of the injury rules---though I'm not positive of my memory, but pretty sure I've seen this.

Hal will not let you get so many players injured, you can't field 8 (9 in DH leagues) players.

I witnessed one team that took 3 injuries in a game to have a total of 7 or 8 injured players(a no-DH league in 2012).

He had so many players injured that only 7 were eligible to start the 1st game of the next set--in fact he couldn't field but 7 players for the entire set--we speculated about which Pitcher would be put in the field and assumed it would be Strasburg as he had an 8 hitting card, but what happened was the AI cleared the oldest injury (a 2Bman that went down for 15, but only served about 11 of them)

It was a team that had a slew of high injury players for the fun of it.


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Re: Not a question but a (brief) rant..out of position catch

PostTue Nov 03, 2015 6:13 pm

I believe the 2 catcher rule and the one milleram mentions are online only rules. You will not find this in the standard board game rules and last time I had the cdrom version it was not there either.

But no doubts the catcher rule is part of all the online games. Was not aware of the other rule until milleram's post.
But believable that it exists.

Still frustrating that there are such rules that are not spelled out for all beginners to know. But been beating that drum for over a decade and my drumsticks wore out.


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Re: Not a question but a (brief) rant..out of position catch

PostSun Jan 03, 2016 1:20 am

I literally laughed out loud as I read this thread! :lol: Oh, for those good 'ol days!

Like Valen, I remember the board war that ensued over this ten years ago, when the climate was a lot less politically correct and the board posters were more, shall we say, volatile. It lasted literally for weeks! It's kind of like some veteran courtesy now that no one even brings the subject up anymore for fear of starting WW III.

The sneakiest cause for pain was the "unintended" third catcher, the guy who was known by his regular fielding position/s, but also had a C (+5) e75 extra position tagged on that no one ever seemed to notice until it was too late.

Regarding the over-injured line-up, durantjerry posted a team recently demonstrating that pitchers do not take the field. However, this is a recent change from year's past. I can confirm with 100% certainty that there was a time when if you had five or six injured fielders, the pitchers would definitely come in and play a position. I have tried to replicate this more recently with super high-injury teams, but in the last few seasons I have been unable to even force HAL into having to make the decision. Even with a 13 man offense I couldn't seem to get five position players hurt at the same time.

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