Waviers Needs Updating

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Radagast Brown

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Re: Waviers Needs Updating

PostThu Nov 05, 2015 12:27 pm

All good stuff guys!

I agree 5:00pm EST is probably not ideal for most people. I also hate it when waivers run Sunday and the league starts Monday (I try to avoid that). I like a nice long preseason, I just hate it when it is preseason and our rosters are basically frozen (besides trades, and we all know how hard those are, see my trading thread).

I do not buy that we can not have a 12 or 24 hour wait before waivers because, "Some guys can't get to their computers". Even if that is true that is a very small minority and hey if you got a team in the works, check in damn it. This isn't the 1980s and a play by mail league, we all have phones and computers.

I really wish they would fix this, it is up there among my top three annoying things about on-line SOM that could be fixed so easily. .... The other one is CF not being able to play LF if not rated there, you mean to tell me you don't think Bret Butler, or Lenny Dykstra could play left field in the 90s? Come on. But don't get me started on that one. At least the CD-ROM got that one right.... I once had some guy try to tell me it is not part of the rules but of course it is, you absolute CAN move a CF only to LF in all other incantations of SOM, I have both the board game rules and the CD-ROM so don't even try to it. Besides, how do you justify saying Lenny Dykstra can ONLY play CF in the 90s when in real life he could play LF no problem and probably did in an All-Star game. Okay end rant. But please fix waivers SOM, I really dread those 48 (and sometimes longer) waits for waivers.


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Re: Waviers Needs Updating

PostThu Nov 05, 2015 1:44 pm

Radagast Brown wrote:All good stuff guys!
I do not buy that we can not have a 12 or 24 hour wait before waivers because, "Some guys can't get to their computers". Even if that is true that is a very small minority and hey if you got a team in the works, check in damn it. This isn't the 1980s and a play by mail league, we all have phones and computers.

Not sure how it is hard to understand. There are plenty of days I go over 24 hours without being able to get on the internet. My mom and my sister both have no internet access at their house. My phone does not either. During lunch at work is not enough time to prepare for waivers. We should not be forced to miss waivers because some people are impatient.


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Re: Waviers Needs Updating

PostThu Nov 05, 2015 4:48 pm

Another point I think is relevant. Yes, a person may know they have a team in the works and should be checking.
But it is not uncommon with all the league options and reduced number of people playing or whatever reasons for me to create a team, join a league and it not finish filling for a week or more. My last league I created took 2 weeks. I have had it take longer.

Bottom line for many people there is life that exists outside strat and it is not practical to camp out on the computer 24.7 hitting F5. If that is your thing they have an option for you. Just create a league and choose the option to skip waivers. Then you get to start making changes same night. Problem solved. Everyone happy.


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Re: Waviers Needs Updating

PostThu Nov 05, 2015 10:57 pm

Radagast, I'm sorry you don't buy that some of us can't make our waiver selections in a shorter time - it's still true. You do have an option though - join a frenzy league and you don't have to wait at all. Problem solved, and the tiny minority who would otherwise be left out in the cold will still have a game to play.


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Re: Waviers Needs Updating

PostFri Nov 06, 2015 11:59 am

Remember, there is MORE time than before as well. Since leagues draft right away now (as opposed to when they always drafted at midnight EST) we are getting more than the 1.75 days we used to get before waiver. If a league drafts in the morning that over 2 days of waiting.

My opinion would be to cut the waiver to 1 day, but push the time back to 10PM EST.

Remember, leagues won't draft after midnight. So the lowest amount of time a you would have then is 22 hours. the most time you could have (assuming first morning draft)38 hours.

Right now the most time you could have is 62 hours, which is insanely high.

Or perhaps change is so if a league drafts before noon it's 1 day, if it drafts after noon it's 2 days?


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Re: Waviers Needs Updating

PostFri Nov 06, 2015 1:30 pm

Just to restate my position, I have a problem with waivers running on a Sunday night and then starting the league the next day. Waiting over 48 hours for Waivers to run and then only having only 1 day to prepare your team for the start of the season makes no sense. This only happens when a league drafts on a Friday, and running waivers on Saturday rather than Sunday would still give everyone ample time to prepare for Waivers given that it's a weekend when most people have more free time.
Otherwise I have no real objection to the current system.


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Re: Waviers Needs Updating

PostSun Nov 08, 2015 1:12 am

Would add another point. The time before waivers is about more than just getting my waiver selections in. When I was playing regularly I often made a trade or two before waivers. That allowed me to solve a problem or two and thus less to target in waivers. If time before waivers is cut back then there will be no time at all for those back and forth discussions to take place.

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