At long last, the ratings!
The biggest surprise is how well the West, despite their .500 records rates. Very surprising.
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Team... O... P... F.. P+F. Ovrl Div
JoeTJet 7689 4901 367 5269 2420 C
BigAlrc 6669 4390 -64 4326 2343 W
Stoney. 7309 4876 162 5038 2271 W
Gbrooke 7173 4410 506 4916 2257 W
Smokey. 7802 5122 457 5578 2224 C
Spider. 7435 4850 559 5409 2026 E
nythawk 7521 5064 445 5509 2012 E
SemperG 7332 4881 457 5337 1995 C
MG..... 7536 5358 252 5610 1926 E
JMP.... 7633 5182 537 5719 1914 W
ArrylTr 8003 5753 559 6312 1691 E
Dale... 7182 5424 829 6253 929 C
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Divi Offn Ptch Fld P+F Overall
East 7624 5256 454 5644 1914
Cent 7501 5082 527 5609 1892
West 7196 4715 285 5000 2196
Overall Ratings. Biggest surprises are in the West where Big A and GB have underperformed. Big A's rating is skewed by his off the charts defense so I'm sort of not surprised that he's under performing. Gb is a great pitching team and teams that are very skewed one way can definitely vary from the ratings. Other than that, AT has his "normal" over perform for his rating. One thing to note is that Dale is < 1000. That's because he's sitting with ~53 mil in cap on his team. Just aren't going to get a good rating spending 27 mil less than the other teams.
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Team Ov Ovrl Rtg Rec Dif
JoeTJet 2420 1 2 -1
BigAlrc 2343 2 7 -5
Stoney. 2271 3 5 -2
Gbrooke 2257 3 7 -4
Smokey. 2224 3 3 0
Spider. 2026 6 4 2
nythawk 2012 6 4 2
SemperG 1995 6 5 1
MG..... 1926 7 9 -2
JMP.... 1914 8 5 3
ArrylTr 1691 10 6 4
Dale... 929 12 10 2
Pretty much dead-on in the offensive ratings. Probably as close as I've seen them
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Team Of O Rtg Run Dif
ArrylTr 8003 1 2 -1
Smokey. 7802 3 2 1
JoeTJet 7689 4 3 1
JMP.... 7633 4 5 -1
MG..... 7536 5 5 0
nythawk 7521 5 6 -1
Spider. 7435 6 5 1
SemperG 7332 7 6 1
Stoney. 7309 7 8 -1
Dale... 7182 8 9 -1
Gbrooke 7173 8 9 -1
BigAlrc 6669 12 10 2
JTJ should have better defense and Dale has done better than expected, but he's dumped so much of his team, his rating is pretty much meaningless.
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Team PF P+F Rtg Run Dif
BigAlrc 4326 1 1 0
Gbrooke 4916 4 6 -2
Stoney. 5038 5 4 1
JoeTJet 5269 6 10 -4
SemperG 5337 6 4 2
Spider. 5409 7 5 2
nythawk 5509 8 6 2
Smokey. 5578 9 9 0
MG..... 5610 9 11 -2
JMP.... 5719 10 8 2
Dale... 6253 12 6 6
ArrylTr 6312 12 12 0
I haven't run the comparison on fielding versus the X-chart, but here's the fielding in order. You can see Big A's crazy number. Stoney would normally be at the top, but he's not even close. Really no one has a lousy D except for Dale. The 559 that Spider and AT have are really only a little under what I would consider average.
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Fieldng FRt
BigAlrc -64
Stoney. 162
MG..... 252
JoeTJet 367
nythawk 445
Smokey. 457
SemperG 457
Gbrooke 506
JMP.... 537
Spider. 559
ArrylTr 559
Dale... 829