Every time I have WR, he underperforms significantly on any card... After 45 AB's he's hitting .156 in Yankee Stadium - didn't he play there? In fairness, 30/49 AB's rolled by pitching, but his previous owner got .250 BA w/even rolls. Am I missing something with Willie? He doesn't seem to have any card this bad? Drop or stay?
I just think he's overpriced in the 70s, guess that's a different way of saying underperforms. I'll sometimes grab him if I have a real strong LH lineup.
Of course he is going to struggle when 30 of the 49 rolls are not on his card. That sample size is too small. I would keep him and wait for more numbers or clues to crunch.
Pretty right on this stat line for '80 and has been a solid leadoff. Although he gets PH occasionally late in games against RHP, I think its due to his anti clutch and high walks.