Pitcher with a split rating (starter and reliever)

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Icterus Galbuli

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Pitcher with a split rating (starter and reliever)

PostSat Jan 02, 2016 8:50 pm

...when making adjustments for their relief appearances (such as using a RH starter as a situational RH specialist) will the "quick hook" and "avoid LHB" carry over to their starting appearances? ...or just be considered when they are used in relief?



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Re: Pitcher with a split rating (starter and reliever)

PostSun Jan 03, 2016 12:44 am

From the help tab:

Avoid- When this setting is active for a relief pitcher, he will avoid entering or staying in a game to face the corresponding type of batter. A switch-hitter is (intuitively) considered to be a lefty if the pitcher is a righty, and vice versa. This avoidance is rather strict as long as 1) there are other fresh, available options in the bullpen that are not otherwise restricted from being used in the given situation, 2) the game is relatively close, and 3) the game is in the later innings. This setting is ignored in otherwise lower-leverage situations.

Hook- When Quick Hook is active for a pitcher, the chance that he will be taken out of a game in a given situation is greater, in general. Although the pitcher will not be immediately removed when he runs into trouble, the chance increases that he will be removed. This applies to all situations. Quick Hook does result in earlier exits and fewer innings pitched for your pitcher on average, but on a per-game basis, there will be situations which will result in different decisions at different times. The above description applies to Slow Hook as well, with the contexts reversed.

It appears that "avoid" only applies to relief situations, but hook applies to both starts and relief appearances.

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