Incredible to win a ring with what I thought was a joke team

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Re: Incredible to win a ring with what I thought was a joke

PostSun Jan 31, 2016 5:29 pm

After you read Nev's post please address the following:


There are literally ZERO dice being rolled in the online game.

There is some sort of random number generator responding to percentages which DO NOT match the percentages of the rolls on the card.

I can't get this concept across strongly enough, and it most certainly does effect the everything we are discussing.


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Re: Incredible to win a ring with what I thought was a joke

PostSun Jan 31, 2016 7:46 pm

Sorry, I just posted this because it was a very atypical team to anything I've seen. It sort of reminds me of the Vuckovich-Speer-Frock staffs in Polo 41 that were all the rage in ATG 5 when I started, but of course I had a very different type of offense.

A few things that made this work I think were: Most of the teams in the league were in low HR parks, my pitchers only allowed 28 HR out of 150 ballpark shots. (My hitters only connected on 17 of 95.) None of my six starters qualified for the ERA title, while two of my relievers did (and all four of them pitched more innings than any of my starters). This team had big problems on the road in bomber parks, since my starters usually paid a heavy price when allowing homers and since my offense was poorly positioned to take advantage of the ballpark homers. (Haller did have one unconscious road series early in the year, though.)

The more I play this game, the more I think that there's no set formula to win with, you just have to give it your best shot and hope the random number generator is kind.


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Re: Incredible to win a ring with what I thought was a joke

PostSun Jan 31, 2016 7:48 pm

All right, maybe I should have said "simulated dice roll" and "simulated split card" or simulated "20 sided die" I think most people know what I was talking about.

Perhaps I'm naive, but I believe that the online computer game simulated dice roll approximates pretty closely, if not replicates exactly, the randomness of the dice.

I know that there is a small vocal minority among some long established veteran players who believe otherwise, who are always quick to point to small sample aberrational results as proof of their theory that the online computer game random number generator works from a different set of probabilities than the dice, but I've never seen any hard proof of such. To me, it is all idle speculation from those unhappy with the randomness of the results on the fringes of probability. It kind of reminds me of right wing fanatics who are quick to deny the science behind the global warming trend every time a blizzard hits.

As for posting teams, or asking other people to post teams, I do that a lot. I don't consider seeing what works for other people as "stealing" ideas. My very first online team won 98 games so I obviously had a pretty good idea how to play the game before I got here. Not everyone has the time, the money or the addiction level to play 20-30 teams at a time and to learn what works by being in so many leagues.

I hope that the teams I post give people ideas. No one has ever said that they consider it bragging or are offended by such. I like the competition and if somebody uses what I use, I'll just have to adapt to try to beat it. It's no different in pro sports, with the NFL being called a copycat league.

Besides, when I see something good, I try to improve upon it and I think most other managers are the same way, as most of us have pride of authorship. I've seen few, if any, teams copied with the same starting lineup or team pitching. Besides, what works in one league may not work on another, as the other teams are different and the ballparks change, not to mention that we all manage differently and sometimes the simulated dice rolls produce different results.


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Re: Incredible to win a ring with what I thought was a joke

PostMon Feb 01, 2016 12:06 am


I want you to think for just a second.

IF you think they are approximating a 20 sided dice roll-- How do you calculate the .1 home field advantage?

PS-- I wasn't getting on your case about not saying 'simulated'--
Im trying to make a point that the game is not anywhere close to matching percentages for each roll.

While I firmly believe that might be the base at which it starts, just as much believe that there are TONS of modifiers of that base.
In fact we know about at least some of them.
Last edited by Salty on Mon Feb 01, 2016 12:08 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Incredible to win a ring with what I thought was a joke

PostMon Feb 01, 2016 12:07 am

Hey congrats on that team. I would call it more of an "outside the box" team than a joke team, but clearly you were trying something different for fun. Congrats and enjoy.

Radagast Brown

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Re: Incredible to win a ring with what I thought was a joke

PostTue Feb 02, 2016 2:24 pm

King Kelly, Buck Leonard and Bill Dahlen all did good for you. Nice team, congratulations!

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