Why I Won't Play Another Auto-League - Relief Issue

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Why I Won't Play Another Auto-League - Relief Issue

PostFri Apr 29, 2016 2:04 am

I suppose the Ryan Dahl issue is a dead horse? A rather unfortunate situation if that is the case since it points rather glaring at a deeply rooted issue within the game. It's not an issue exclusive to the daily game but one that becomes exaggerated by the extreme nature of the performances possible.

Ryan Dahl leads our league in IP after 50 some games. Yes, absurd as a reliever and even more absurd since he is an R1. He is on a pace to pitch around 250+ innings.

Honestly SOM management, is this really your idea of how a baseball game you have touted as bing in touch with the real game should end up looking like? That is like buying tickets for NASCAR and being "treated" instead to watching a bunch of 5 year olds in nicely painted cars peddle around the track for 3 hours. Everyone wants to watch that right? I mean, it is racing........

Call it gaming the game by the individual responsible that oens the player. Of that, there is really no doubt. But, the fact remains it should not even be possible within the game structure, yet it is. It has been a persistent and continual issue that SOM has either ignored or is incapable of addressing. I simply have never seen it to this vast of an extreme. But, perhaps I haven't been in enough auto-leagues. Yes, I am sure that must be it since it is one of the reasons I stopped playing in them over 4 years ago.

Seriously guys, I am sure you have worked hard at putting together a good product. However, when you leave glaring holes like this in the game it simply becomes a major turn-off. It makes me sad. I vastly prefer simulated fantasy baseball as compard to the roto style.

I play in a few different private leagues that tend to have gentlemen's agreements about things like this. That makes it more manageable, but it is still broken. Through those leagues I have brought several new players to this game. It is the private leagues that keep me playing, which honestly has alot more to do with my hard work and that of others more than it has to do with SOM being a superb product.

It would be nice to know that someone in SOM management actually cares about this issue and is willing to do something about it. Is that a dead horse as well?


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