Hey, SOM, you're "hurting" my feelings

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Hey, SOM, you're "hurting" my feelings

PostWed May 11, 2016 9:56 am

There are 12 teams in our league. Combined, we have 29 guys injured as of this morning. That includes three of us with four or four players.

Rochester Atom Splitters
- Moore, Matt ($2.82M) - injured through Game 70
- Wilson, Justin ($1.49M) - injured through Game 77
- McCann, Brian ($4.32M) - injured through Game 79
- Colon, Bartolo ($2.81M) - injured through Game 80
- Saunders, Michael ($.50M) - injured through Game 83

New Providence Black Sails
- Schwarber, Kyle ($5.24M) - injured through Game 71
- Gausman, Kevin ($2.09M) - injured through Game 71
- Gordon, Dee ($7.22M) - injured through Game 73
- Kelley, Shawn ($1.43M) - injured through Game 73

Sellersville Educators
- Hudson, Daniel ($.63M) - injured through Game 70
- Ramirez, Erasmo ($2.49M) - injured through Game 71
- Street, Huston ($2.69M) - injured through Game 71
- Seager, Corey ($5.05M) - injured through Game 78
- Otero, Dan ($.87M) - injured through Game 81
- Stroman, Marcus ($5.88M) - injured through Game 107

Come on, guys. Enough is enough.

I respect the fact that injuries a part of the real game that you've taken pains to emulate over the years. But this is way, way, way overboard. The fun in managing is scouring free-agent lists, setting rotations, organizing the bullpen and adjusting batting orders -- all the while dealing with an injury or two. Dealing with all these injuries is more tedious than fun.

I've gone from intrigued by S-O-M Baseball Daily to aggravated by it in the span of just three weeks.


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Re: Hey, SOM, you're "hurting" my feelings

PostMon May 16, 2016 5:23 am

My current league has 9 injuries (12 teams). That's higher than normal so far, almost 1/2 through the season.


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Re: Hey, SOM, you're "hurting" my feelings

PostMon May 16, 2016 8:23 am

We have 26 players from 10 teams injured at the moment. Seven will come off the list after Monday's games, but God only knows how many more guys will get hurt in tonight's 18 games.

I've gone relatively unscathed for the last few days. But before that I was going through players like Spinal Tap went through drummers.

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