Fri Jun 03, 2016 11:28 pm
I agree with both sphilipp and hallerose. The unique stadium was voted down 7 no to 5 yes. So, it appears to be settled, and I was wrong to bring it up. We seem to have a majority for a limited time message board draft that ends on Friday, June 10, plus any picks needed so the message board draft ends on an even number of rounds. Lee's argument that the tournament has been autodraft throughout is not a strong argument since the live v autodraft vote is a traditional feature of the tournament - last year, for example, we held a message board draft and I learned a lot about good players in the 80s set.
Given that we have a majority for a limited time live draft (ending June 10 has been reasonably proposed) - does anyone absolutely refuse to participate in a message board draft?
Lee would have the first pick.