Wed Jul 20, 2016 9:05 pm
Some explanation for the delay in getting drafts and season 2 running,
First summer at my current job and it's a bit more time consuming than i realized it would be. Every other week is a six day work week and many days are 10 hour days. Knowing this now, I will likely make my leagues spring and fall going forward.
But with the work load, I'm simply to exhausted to sit at the computer and do the editing of rosters that needs to be done for drafts etc. Things will be calming down at work in about three weeks and I have a full weekend off this weekend that I'm hoping will allow me to do some league(s) stuff.
On top of work, my oldest leaves for college for the first time on August 11th, so you'll all have to forgive me if family time comes before Strat with her days living under my roof rapidly declining. Also, my wife really hasn't adjusted to me not doing all the house work I used to do, so weekends are filled with grocery shopping, laundry, yard work etc.
I apologize for the long delay. As I said at the start of the season I didn't know how working full time would affect my time, now I do and will attempt to make things work a bit smoother next year.