NLD 41 - The Tradition Continues

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Re: NLD 41 - The Tradition Continues

PostWed Jul 06, 2016 9:28 am

Bad time to get swept. :evil:


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Re: NLD 41 - The Tradition Continues

PostThu Jul 07, 2016 2:14 am

Stoney18 wrote:Bad time to get swept. :evil:

Ouch Stones, two nights in a row! :shock: Gives Dale and Smokey reason to hope. You have the tie breaker with Smokey, effectively putting him two games behind you, but the breaker with Dale will come down to the last series and may end up being run differential. I don't have easy access to that.

Theoretically the entire Central has a shot at the WC, but It's not very likely as Dale or Stoney will have at least 80 wins and that's the most those three teams can get.

Semper Gumby

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Re: NLD 41 - The Tradition Continues

PostThu Jul 07, 2016 11:07 am

joethejet wrote:
Semper looks like a lock. It would take a big collapse for that not to happen

We tried our best to make it interesting at the end; tripped, stumbled and scraped our knees. :shock: Keeping hope alive for the division.


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Re: NLD 41 - The Tradition Continues

PostFri Jul 08, 2016 1:43 am

looks like it comes down to the final series between Stones and Dale. I *think* that Dale is +1 in run diff, but one of you two can check easier than me.

If dale wins 2, they are tied and tied in w/l. It will come down to the runs scored in the last series.

I think that Smoke is elimated because he can only finish in a three-way tie, best case, and doesn't have the tie breaker with either team. It's not clear to me if the three way tie eliminates one team first and then looks at the tie breaks between the last two or not. If they look at the three-way, Stoney was 6-3 while Dale 7-5 with Smoke.

Semper Gumby

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Re: NLD 41 - The Tradition Continues

PostFri Jul 08, 2016 3:10 pm

We didn't disappoint the fans of drama as the team limped its way into the post-season.

After we hired Goldilocks to manage the player talent, we certainly tried every free agent to see if they fit "just right".

Glad my WINDOWS Strat game CD didn't break along the way


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Re: NLD 41 - The Tradition Continues

PostFri Jul 08, 2016 3:25 pm

Semper Gumby wrote:We didn't disappoint the fans of drama as the team limped its way into the post-season.

After we hired Goldilocks to manage the player talent, we certainly tried every free agent to see if they fit "just right".

Glad my WINDOWS Strat game CD didn't break along the way

Limped in? You're up by 11 games with the second best record in the league!

In the meantime, here are the final ratings. I didn't rework any of the pitching or revisit the fielding stats, just took the final wins/scored/allowed. It's too hard to do after the last games as the stats seem to disappear.

Code: Select all
Team...   O...   P...   F..   P+F.   Ovrl   Div
Smokey.   7513   4769   296   5065   2448   W
Doug...   7679   5094   214   5308   2371   E
SemperG   7409   4864   183   5047   2362   C
JoeTJet   7765   4969   450   5419   2346   W
BigAlrc   6840   4533   2   4536   2305   W
Stoney.   7434   4838   364   5202   2232   E
Gbrooke   7125   4319   605   4924   2201   C
Spider.   7559   4981   398   5379   2180   C
Jeep...   7387   4947   421   5368   2019   C
Dale...   7780   5572   205   5777   2003   E
MG.....   7651   5506   308   5814   1836   E
nythawk   7791   5286   672   5958   1834   W

Code: Select all
Team Ov   Ovrl   Rtg   Rec   Dif
Smokey.   2448   3   6   -3
Doug...   2371   4   5   -1
SemperG   2362   4   4   0
JoeTJet   2346   4   2   2
BigAlrc   2305   5   9   -4
Stoney.   2232   6   6   0
Gbrooke   2201   6   7   -1
Spider.   2180   7   7   0
Jeep...   2019   9   7   2
Dale...   2003   9   6   3
MG.....   1836   11   6   5
nythawk   1834   11   7   4

Code: Select all
Team Of   O   Rtg   Run   Dif
nythawk   7791   2   2   0
Dale...   7780   2   6   -4
JoeTJet   7765   2   3   -1
Doug...   7679   3   7   -4
MG.....   7651   3   5   -2
Spider.   7559   4   4   0
Smokey.   7513   5   9   -4
Stoney.   7434   6   8   -2
SemperG   7409   7   6   1
Jeep...   7387   7   6   1
Gbrooke   7125   10   11   -1
BigAlrc   6840   12   10   2

Code: Select all
Team PF   P+F   Rtg   Run   Dif
BigAlrc   4536   1   4   -3
Gbrooke   4924   4   4   0
SemperG   5047   5   4   1
Smokey.   5065   5   3   2
Stoney.   5202   6   4   2
Doug...   5308   7   4   3
Jeep...   5368   7   8   -1
Spider.   5379   7   10   -3
JoeTJet   5419   7   5   2
Dale...   5777   10   7   3
MG.....   5814   10   9   1
nythawk   5958   12   12   0

Code: Select all
Fieldng   FRt   Rtg   F%   Dif
BigAlrc   2   1   1   0
SemperG   183   4   4   0
Dale...   205   4   5   -1
Doug...   214   4   8   -4
Smokey.   296   5   5   0
MG.....   308   5   7   -2
Stoney.   364   6   4   2
Spider.   398   7   8   -1
Jeep...   421   7   9   -2
JoeTJet   450   8   7   1
Gbrooke   605   11   9   2
nythawk   672   12   12   0

Semper Gumby

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Re: NLD 41 - The Tradition Continues

PostFri Jul 08, 2016 6:46 pm

We had been 20 games above .500 going into the final turn.


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Re: NLD 41 - The Tradition Continues

PostFri Jul 08, 2016 11:50 pm

I don't how Smokey, with the worst record between the three teams, could have made the playoffs.

I guess because it had a better divisional record? If so, that's just a lousy tiebreaker.

Not trying to pick on you Smokey, just confused.


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Re: NLD 41 - The Tradition Continues

PostSat Jul 09, 2016 6:38 am

If I am not mistaken, the tie breaker in three way tie is run diff? I guess it could be division record instead. I don't remember.

How could it be head to head? Which team would you weed out first?
I'm not offended because you are confused.

At any rate, tough luck Stones and Dale. I surely don't make the rules.

Semper Gumby

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Re: NLD 41 - The Tradition Continues

PostSat Jul 09, 2016 8:20 am

I make the rules!
Hilary Clinton


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