1st round results = 31 players through

Discussion for new cards to add; moderated by Rosie2167

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Re: 1st round results = 31 players through

PostTue Jul 19, 2016 2:56 pm

The Last Druid wrote: We clearly agree that all the cards should be included and that SOM's miserliness is at fault."


Given that we missed countless additions, given that it costs them some labor and literally nothing else, they just need to put ALL of the cards that folks came up with in.

Then move forward from there with the 2/3 of an acre and a mule proposal they agreed to.

The Last Druid

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Re: 1st round results = 31 players through

PostTue Jul 19, 2016 4:27 pm

ATG 9 should be next. And they should add several entire teams from each franchise to support the large subset of folks who like franchise play. The team additions are necessary to get new blood among the lower priced filler players. I would like to see one team for each franchise for the deadball, pre and post war and expansion eras. That would really revitalize the game but it would involve considerable work in pricing, which apart from actually prodding Garcia into action, would appear to be the major potential obstacle.


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Re: 1st round results = 31 players through

PostTue Jul 19, 2016 7:50 pm

I hate to say it but Garcia has his own agenda...these player adds. A nice gesture but should have happened several months ago


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Re: 1st round results = 31 players through

PostTue Jul 19, 2016 10:48 pm

The results of the first balloting were EXTREMELY disappointing to those of us who enjoy both baseball history and franchise leagues. In all, 28 of the first 31 automatics were from the expansion era, and all three of the pre-expansion players selected (Foxx, Delahanty and Ken Williams) already had two cards apiece, though the upgrade on Williams was definitely overdue.

I would go farther than Druid's recommendations--to the point where NO additional cards from the expansion era except those that benefit under-represented teams (Rays, Rockies, Marlins, D-Backs, etc) or chronically weak franchises (Padres, Senators, Browns, etc.) be allowed in the next group of additions. Druid's suggestion of adding complete teams from each era is good, since that would give salary-sensitive teams (particularly in the deadball and pre eras) some cheaper roster alternatives.

I have nothing against today's superstars, and will enjoy playing some of those selected this week, but I got into the online Strat game because it was called ALL-TIME GREATS. If it had been called TODAY's GREATS, I'd still be playing Rotisserie fantasy -- and would have saved a whole lot of money in the process.


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Re: 1st round results = 31 players through

PostWed Jul 20, 2016 12:10 am

bontomn wrote:The results of the first balloting were EXTREMELY disappointing to those of us who enjoy both baseball history and franchise leagues. In all, 28 of the first 31 automatics were from the expansion era, and all three of the pre-expansion players selected (Foxx, Delahanty and Ken Williams) already had two cards apiece, though the upgrade on Williams was definitely overdue.

I would go farther than Druid's recommendations--to the point where NO additional cards from the expansion era except those that benefit under-represented teams (Rays, Rockies, Marlins, D-Backs, etc) or chronically weak franchises (Padres, Senators, Browns, etc.) be allowed in the next group of additions. Druid's suggestion of adding complete teams from each era is good, since that would give salary-sensitive teams (particularly in the deadball and pre eras) some cheaper roster alternatives.

I have nothing against today's superstars, and will enjoy playing some of those selected this week, but I got into the online Strat game because it was called ALL-TIME GREATS. If it had been called TODAY's GREATS, I'd still be playing Rotisserie fantasy -- and would have saved a whole lot of money in the process.

I can understand that-- but why do we have to choose between this when it can easily ALL BE ADDED????

IF I were a franchise player, which Im not-- Id bug the heck out of em until they added whats needed to make it fun for those who play.

To be honest its completely counter-intuitive that this hasn't already been done simply because it makes money for em.


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Re: 1st round results = 31 players through

PostWed Jul 20, 2016 7:37 am

The Last Druid wrote:ATG 9 should be next. And they should add several entire teams from each franchise to support the large subset of folks who like franchise play. The team additions are necessary to get new blood among the lower priced filler players. I would like to see one team for each franchise for the deadball, pre and post war and expansion eras. That would really revitalize the game but it would involve considerable work in pricing, which apart from actually prodding Garcia into action, would appear to be the major potential obstacle.

I agree 100%...without entire teams being added the lower priced players just don't get in...I'd like to see some more World Series teams added, starting with the 2008 Rays...we had five good nominees for this add and only David Price made it, so we will have TWO cards in the entire set and still no Longoria...

Also, I don't like the idea of limiting cards from the entire expansion era...need plenty more adds from the 70's (especially '72/'73). I do agree that we don't need a bunch of cards from the last few seasons, as it is supposed to be all-time greats...I wouldn't add any cards from less than three to five years ago...


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Re: 1st round results = 31 players through

PostWed Jul 20, 2016 7:50 am

What I think would be a great way to do the upcoming rounds of 25 card adds would be to use the forty-card polls again, but organize them in groups by era, so that the older players have a much better shot...

I also think that 2000+ should be split into its own era (21st Century)...we would then have five eras and the top five cards (by vote) from each era get added...everybody gets something that way...



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Re: 1st round results = 31 players through

PostWed Jul 20, 2016 9:03 am

ADD them ALL and everyone is HAPPY!! I agree with a number of prior posts. Complete teams for every ERA - DB/PRE/POST/EXP. I like the 21st Century ADD idea. Enough player for ALL decades to have Decade Leagues. Drop down Options to create leagues of OUR choice. Just a few ideas thrown out by the SOM Community and an opportunity for SOM to make for $$, infuse excitement into the game and as I said its makes everyone HAPPY! But what do I know? ;) :D


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Re: 1st round results = 31 players through

PostWed Jul 20, 2016 11:53 am

I just want any/all cards added in a timely manner.

Whatever is decided upon, adding them to the set shouldn't take more than a week.


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Re: 1st round results = 31 players through

PostWed Jul 20, 2016 12:13 pm

Where we are in this game of adding more cards to a fantasy baseball game called ALL TIME GREATS when you already have 4,500 cards up from 800 originally is best illustrated by having the most prolific player at this web site advocating for a 3RD CARD FOR EDDIE JOOST,a two time all star with a .239 batting average for needing a "representative card”, who cannot even crack the list of 100 best shortstops of all times. This game has become a Joe the Jet dream as most newcomers must think you need an MIT degree to succeed in this game. (when actually a friend running the game engine would be more helpful)


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