Players with multiple seasons in the same SOM league(clones)

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Players with multiple seasons in the same SOM league(clones)

PostThu Aug 25, 2016 11:13 pm


Franchise Leagues are popular in SOM. The problem with franchise leagues is that sometimes players play for more than one team. Frank Robinson is a prime example. I cannot imagine assembling a Orioles franchise team and not have Frank on the team. Same goes for the Reds. Assuming the time frame of the league includes his playing years, of course.

What do do? SOM is structured so as to not have any 'clones' - that is, same player on more than one team in the same league. Suppose when an owner creates a league, he has the CHOICE of allowing clones(yes or no), in the same manner that the owner decides whether or not to have the DH. Of course, having multiple versions of the same player/different seasons on the same team is still forbidden.

It is common for the league creator to mention in the league description that if a player is eligible to be chosen for two or more teams, that the highest salary is the deciding factor. This is unsatisfactory, results in conflict when, predictably, one owner does not understand or chooses not to comply with league rules, and deprives one owner of a good player, thereby weakening his team. Of course, only above average or excellent players would fall in this category, the "lesser" players would not have an impact on the team's overall performance. So we are not talking about excessive use of clones.

Of course, the same player/year would be unique to a league but the same player in a different year on a different team - what would be the harm? Not that you care, but WIS has leagues based primarily on clones - they are a blast to play.

You may say that this is unrealistic in some cases, e.g., Daily Leagues and one-year leagues. But for leagues that cover multiple years, it would be a positive thing, I believe. I am thinking especially ATG leagues. If the creating owner does not want clones, he simply says NO to the option.

The choice is really between having a realistic franchise team for all owners or having an All-Star Game type-league where in real life, no clones would appear(at least not yet).

Thank you for your consideration,


george barnard

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Re: Players with multiple seasons in the same SOM league(clo

PostSat Aug 27, 2016 3:31 am


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