Wed Nov 16, 2016 10:19 am
My thoughts would go towards utility players who can help out at a number of positions and might even be able to start in low cap leagues. So, here is a list of players who can help out at at least 5 positions (in no particular order):
1/ 1890 Tun Berger (PIT) (O6245) .266/.337/.332
2/ 1924 Ray Blades (STL) (74598) .311/.373/.387
3/ 1904 Roger Bresnahan (NYG) (O3645) .284/.381/.410
4/ 2006 Chris Burke (HOU) (48769) .276/.347/.418
5/ 1986 Gary Carter (NYM) (23795) .255/.337/.439
6/ 2008 Ronny Cedeno (CHC) (46587) .269/.328/.352
7/ 1890 Artie Clarke (NYG) (2O546) .225/.290/.296
8/ 1989 Dave Cochrane (SEA) (635472) .235/.333/.382
9/ 1962 Don Demeter (PHI) (58793) .307/.359/.520
10/ 2008 Mark Derosa (CHC) (497536) .285/.376/.481
11/ 2006 Mark Derosa (TEX) (954673) .296/.357/.456
12/ 1912 Clyde Engle (BOS) (3456O) .234/.348/.298
13/ 1919 Chick Fewster (NYY) (96845) .283/.386/.357
14/ 1974 Pepe Frias (MON) (65497) .214/.258/.268
15/ 1997 Jeff Frye (BOS) (4587963) .312/.352/.433
16/ 1942 Augie Galan (BRO) (87934) .263/.339/.340
17/ 1970 Tommy Harper (MIL) (54789) .296/.377/.522
18/ 1933 Dave Harris (WSH) (98375) .260/.358/.418
19/ 2008 Willie Harris (WSN) (78456) .251/.344/.417
20/ 1969 Woodie Held (CHC) (895764) .143/.299/.317
21/ 2012 Elian Herrera (LAD) (754896) .251/.340/.332
22/ 1962 Chuck Hinton (WSA) (97846) .310/.361/.472
23/ 1963 Chuck Hinton (WSA) (795836) .269/.340/.426
24/ 1921 Rogers Hornsby (STL) (47563) .397/.458/.639
25/ 1915 Marty Kavanagh (DET) (34765) .295/.378/.452
26/ 1887 King Kelly (BSN) (O4256) .326/.419/.450
27/ 1910 John Knight (NYY) (6345O) .312/.372/.413
28/ 1932 Lyn Lary (NYY) (6345O) .232/.358/.343
29/ 2004 Hector Luna (STL) (64578) .249/.304/.364
30/ 2005 Hector Luna (STL) (495678) .285/.344/.409
31/ 2004 John Mabry (STL) (79538) .296/.363/.504
32/ 1919 Sherry Magee (CIN) (79458) .215/.337/.264
33/ 1993 Jeff McKnight (NYM) (64352) .256/.311/.323
34/ 2002 Lou Merloni (BOS) (456379) .247/.332/.392
35/ 1890 Doggie Miller (PIT) (5O624) .273/.357/.350
36/ 1891 Doggie Miller (PIT) (265O3) .285/.357/.363
37/ 1883 John Morrill (BSN) (3O546) .319/.344/.525
38/ 1939 Heinie Mueller (PHI) (45976) .279/.342/.437
39/ 2005 Pablo Ozuna (CHW) (567439) .276/.313/.330
40/ 1993 Tony Phillips (DET) (74985) .313/.443/.398
41/ 1976 Ron Pruitt (CLE) (975238) .267/.375/.302
42/ 1995 Jeff Reboulet (MIN) (65342) .292/.373/.398
43/ 1925 Harry Rice (SLB) (O3452) .359/.450/.568
44/ 1989 Ernie Riles (SFG) (54697) .278/.339/.404
45/ 2008 Juan Rivera (LAA) (79348) .246/.282/.438
46/ 1976 Bill Robinson (PIT) (59873) .303/.329/.534
47/ 2010 Adam Rosales (OAK) (46357) .271/.321/.400
48/ 2016 Adam Rosales (SDP) (546739) .229/.319/.495
49/ 1988 Luis Salazar (DET) (7654893) .270/.305/.385
50/ 1968 Chico Salmon (CLE) (456379) .214/.253/.283
51/ 1969 Chico Salmon (BAL) (34657) .297/.375/.451
52/ 1966 Bob Saverine (WSA) (45678) .251/.300/.333
53/ 1989 Kevin Seitzer (KCR) (56378) .281/.387/.337
54/ 1994 Craig Shipley (SDP) (564387) .333/.362/.475
55/ 1955 Al Smith (CLE) (958764) .306/.407/.473
56/ 2002 Scott Spiezio (ANA) (35794) .285/.371/.436
57/ 1972 Rennie Stennett (PIT) (47968) .286/.307/.376
58/ 1906 Sammy Strang (NYG) (4O653) .319/.423/.435
59/ 1936 Billy Sullivan, Jr. (CLE) (25379) .351/.382/.508
60/ 1992 B.J. Surhoff (MIL) (237589) .252/.314/.321
61/ 1989 Pat Tabler (KCR) (97345) .259/.325/.308
62/ 1970 Cesar Tovar (MIN) (87459) .300/.356/.442
63/ 2006 Jose Valentin (NYM) (47935) .271/.330/.490
64/ 1930 George Watkins (STL) (93784) .373/.415/.621
65/ 1914 Possum Whitted (STL/BSN) (O4536) .245/.304/.349
66/ 2006 Chris Woodward (NYM) (465793) .216/.289/.311
67/ 1979 Joel Youngblood (NYM) (97458) .275/.346/.436
68/ 1964 Don Zimmer (WSA) (59274) .246/.302/.411
69/ 2008 Ben Zobrist (TBR) (674895) .253/.339/.505
70/ 2006 Nick Punto (MIN) (56487) .290/.352/.373
71/ 1968 Gary Sutherland (PHI) (45697) .275/.313/.326
72/ 1951 Sibby Sisti (BOS) (64539) .279/.341/.362
Obviously, some of these would be more than 3mil (and I didn't list Kris Bryant, figuring he'll get in some day and SOM won't give us a 2016 player immediately.
By the way, as you have probably guessed the numbers after the team affiliation refer to scorecard positions, the "O" refers to outfield for the early players.
Last edited by
george barnard on Tue Nov 29, 2016 6:58 am, edited 1 time in total.