In response to an email question in our league, I researched the question and found this answer in the original league thread:
Forum: Strat-O-Matic Baseball: All-Time Greats
Topic: The Yearly Franchise Theme League
Replies: 153
Views: 3700
Re: The Yearly Franchise Theme League
Sat Jan 09, 2016 10:58 am
Musial6 wrote:
Still unsure of what the cap is and what the guidelines are for filling your roster up to the 25?
Cap is 91M precisely.
Guidelines to fill your roster is to fill your draft list with every possible card of your annual franchise team, and fill the spots that are left with sub 1m players.
You have unlimited access to the sub 1 M pool who are not in picked franchise teams, so in theory, as long as you have all your required players, teams could go with a roster of 28 players, filled out with available sub 1m
(I write sub 1 M, but this includes 1.00 M players).In a few cases, for example 2001 Seattle, the roster must be completed during the waivers (they have More pitchers than what the draft list allows).
In a few other teams, there are other specific instructions (which is listed on page 1, for example the 1986 Mets are allowed to pick 1985 Gary Carter, since there is no 1986 Gary Carter). For the 1939 Yankees, specific instructions are set on page 3.
Players with cards on multiple available teams will be assigned by following the rules on page 1.
Hopefully, it's clearer.
I added emphasis to the part in question - Marc always wrote "sub 1 million" but he says he meant $1 million or less.
Sorry if this confusion created any problems for this league. I had missed this interpretation point.