The Big Post for 2016

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Re: The Big Post for 2016

PostMon Feb 13, 2017 8:14 pm

In response to childsmwc

You are probably right--but I have no idea as I have never even thought about tracking isolated power--so it may be more accurate over all than OPS--I would have to go back through all those leagues and see.

I did check my 2015 teams--for me--in Citizens at least, the ISO holds--I had 5 playoff teams in Citizens, and all were between .215 and .223 in Isolated power.

All of my other teams were attempts at pitching/OB in pitching oriented parks, which I stunk at this season--the only 2 that got in the playoffs were the ones were I basically used two or three high OB coupled with two or three high ISO type hitters. Waiver built teams in a pitchers park because I couldn't get the pitchers I wanted---Essentially power teams in a pitchers park.


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Re: The Big Post for 2016

PostTue Feb 14, 2017 5:32 pm

I noticed that new leagues were down in number this season--maybe as few as half the previous year---extremely noticeable in the early season--almost certainly due to the Daily leagues--I thought after Daily ended the standard leagues would pick up--but still seemed suppressed compared to my three other season online.

Though I am an average player at best--as a test of my ability to put a team together, I'd rather play Strat with cards priced by performance than the crap shoot Daily appears to be price wise, especially in the first month or two of daily.

I hope daily was a success for Strat, but for those of us who like traditional Strat and like to play a lot of teams, at least for me, it was not great year simply because of so few leagues forming.


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Re: The Big Post for 2016

PostTue Feb 14, 2017 7:43 pm

I play about one team a week, and while I had no problem doing so, I found the league filling to be painfully slow at times.

Then there's that whole jump in early or jump in late drama. If you load first, you wait days for the league to fill. But if you try and time jumping in late, a league can get away from you and fill the last four spots in a matter of minutes, because everyone wants to close a league and no one wants to open one.

Madness, I tell you. :lol:


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Re: The Big Post for 2016

PostTue May 01, 2018 4:14 pm

childsmwc wrote:Milleram-

My post doesn't undermine the concept of OPS for scoring runs, however, it is refining it. OPS is OBP + SLG, what I am letting the community know is that pricing is based on a function of OBP and isolated power more than OPS, because technically scoring runs is about getting on base (OBP) and how efficiently you move them once on base (ISO).

Now the results of this system, is that low avg./high obp/high slg type players, think the Rob Deer's and Mike Schmidt's all walks and home runs, are going to be priced high, and are usually the type of players most in the community tend to think are overpriced historically. Sometimes based on tester feedback I modify this dynamic for a set and other times it stays as is.

Circling back to JPav's last few posts, most successful managers can win in a lot of different environments, but if given a preference will play to what they know best. For me that is put the most offense I can in a pitchers park and use the park to protect cheap low whip high BP HR pitchers. Usually I will always go 5 man rotation so I don't have to worry about competing for the asterick starters. What this strategy is really doing, is getting good value to keep the opposing OBP low while using the ball park to keep the ISO Power low. I can then use the money offensively to push OBP way above the league average and get enough doubles power to have respectable ISO Power to score runs.

It is also very possible that this isn't the most efficient use of cash, but if it runs counter to the rest of the league, you can find value by not missing out on "key" players.

2 years later:

That first paragraph above was maybe the best help/hint I ever got, though I didn't fully realize it at the time. With the ISO power and OB/OPS discussion above, seems I started drafting better value mid and low priced players more often.


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Re: The Big Post for 2016

PostTue May 01, 2018 8:50 pm

Very interesting reading! Had me sitting with some of those fictional question marks above my head haha. I have fallen so far behind with all this new strategy its probably a good thing I no longer am playing the current set, just cant keep up haha. Always fun to read these though!!!

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