Fri Apr 14, 2017 10:06 pm
Don't believe the rule was clear at all, still don't. Regardless, I never tried to change the rule. I was the one who lost because of the Pitch Etiquette violation and said it didn't matter to me. However, I wanted to understand the concept I had never heard of. Perhaps, I or others want to include this in a league of our own? Maybe not?
Not only do I think the rule was unclear, I still don't understand it. And, I don't think any one else understands it well enough to specify it for a league and expect everyone to understand all the implications or how to enforce it. Before I joined and read it, I thought "Hal takes care of that doesn't he?"
The Commish and others got progressively more angry & insulting at simple questions or point/counter points. Just like the last couple of comments, guys in the league didn't have the patience to try to understand, they just wanted a quick superficial answer. It has nothing to do with joining or not joining a league or the Commish is the Commish concept (we aren't even in a league here).
If you look closely, here, I have not only posted some of the Commish's comments, but I have actually written on both sides of the issue myself. That's critical thinking. That's trying to understand.
I may go back and pull out the pith from the comments, rearrange them and make the issue clearer. I would leave out the insults and irrelevant comments. I would leave out my comment asking what if someone traded on the last day of the season because apparently, that's not possible after game 142. I almost never trade and don't know trading well or much at all. The idea that the rule was clearly explained is obviously false to me.
Another guy in the league sent me a private message, said he had been in league with this rule and this Commish before and the same thing happened, misunderstanding, controversy, and people being told to shut up.
Maybe it's much ado about nothing, but then if that's ones position, there is no need to comment at all. Different points of view, insights, on how Pitching Etiquette really works or doesn't work are most welcome : )