17.3 Card Add theme

Discussion for new cards to add; moderated by Rosie2167

Moderator: BC15NY

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Re: 17.3 Card Add theme

PostFri May 12, 2017 3:09 pm

STEVE F wrote:
ShakeyBoomer wrote:What no one is discussing, and what goes much more to the crux of the problem (i.e., cards not being utilized), is that the pricing for most of the ATG 8 cards is HORRENDOUS. If the pricing were fixed, people would not feel as if they had to use the same cards over and over again, and, thus, the game would feel as if it had more variety.

Agreed, but that has nothing to do with this discussion. We can only hope the game company will address this with ATG9

I haven't heard a thing about there ever being an ATG 9--
will there ever be one?
However, yes, this would be a good idea.


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Re: 17.3 Card Add theme

PostFri May 12, 2017 3:37 pm

I haven't heard any plans for one Salty, but I assume at some point they'll get around to it.....right after they fix Netplay :lol:


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Re: 17.3 Card Add theme

PostSat May 13, 2017 1:44 pm

ShakeyBoomer wrote:What no one is discussing, and what goes much more to the crux of the problem (i.e., cards not being utilized), is that the pricing for most of the ATG 8 cards is HORRENDOUS. If the pricing were fixed, people would not feel as if they had to use the same cards over and over again, and, thus, the game would feel as if it had more variety.

Some of this is self-imposed. Other than dedicated theme leagues, who here ever players using a random draft pool? It's an option that might add some variety. But try to get a group to do it on a consistent basis.

Personally, I think the default ought to be random player and stadium pool. Let's see some folks manage without their extreme parks and pet picks.


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Re: 17.3 Card Add theme

PostSat May 13, 2017 2:03 pm

honestiago wrote:
ShakeyBoomer wrote:What no one is discussing, and what goes much more to the crux of the problem (i.e., cards not being utilized), is that the pricing for most of the ATG 8 cards is HORRENDOUS. If the pricing were fixed, people would not feel as if they had to use the same cards over and over again, and, thus, the game would feel as if it had more variety.

Some of this is self-imposed. Other than dedicated theme leagues, who here ever players using a random draft pool? It's an option that might add some variety. But try to get a group to do it on a consistent basis.

Personally, I think the default ought to be random player and stadium pool. Let's see some folks manage without their extreme parks and pet picks.

I think Strat should limit the open random leagues to one at a time. I generally see about 10 of them out there, usually with one person in each one. If it was limited in that way, it might become a more viable format.


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Re: 17.3 Card Add theme

PostThu May 18, 2017 1:00 pm

BC15NY wrote:
honestiago wrote:
ShakeyBoomer wrote:What no one is discussing, and what goes much more to the crux of the problem (i.e., cards not being utilized), is that the pricing for most of the ATG 8 cards is HORRENDOUS. If the pricing were fixed, people would not feel as if they had to use the same cards over and over again, and, thus, the game would feel as if it had more variety.

Some of this is self-imposed. Other than dedicated theme leagues, who here ever players using a random draft pool? It's an option that might add some variety. But try to get a group to do it on a consistent basis.

Personally, I think the default ought to be random player and stadium pool. Let's see some folks manage without their extreme parks and pet picks.

I think Strat should limit the open random leagues to one at a time. I generally see about 10 of them out there, usually with one person in each one. If it was limited in that way, it might become a more viable format.

This is a very bad idea.
Think this through.
A league starts with parameters you don't want to play, lets say 30 mil, no DH,
and you now have to wait until that fills before you can start a league??? :o :shock: :shock: :?


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Re: 17.3 Card Add theme

PostThu May 18, 2017 3:27 pm

Salty wrote:
BC15NY wrote:
honestiago wrote:
Some of this is self-imposed. Other than dedicated theme leagues, who here ever players using a random draft pool? It's an option that might add some variety. But try to get a group to do it on a consistent basis.

Personally, I think the default ought to be random player and stadium pool. Let's see some folks manage without their extreme parks and pet picks.

I think Strat should limit the open random leagues to one at a time. I generally see about 10 of them out there, usually with one person in each one. If it was limited in that way, it might become a more viable format.

This is a very bad idea.
Think this through.
A league starts with parameters you don't want to play, lets say 30 mil, no DH,
and you now have to wait until that fills before you can start a league??? :o :shock: :shock: :?

Let me clarify.

I am talking only about the open public auto-leagues (80m no DH) using the randomly generated card sets. There are currently 9 of them out there, with 8 of them having one person in, and the other having two. Why have nine 80m/no DH leagues with random sets going at once? They never fill.


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Re: 17.3 Card Add theme

PostWed Jul 12, 2017 2:27 pm

Salty, sorry, I did not make myself clear, I am totally in favor of Cuckoo Christenson being in the playerset, even if I never put him on a roster, I promise I will open his card and look at it at least from time-to-time... quite a few times a year.

Not sure how that (attempted anyway) expression of mine (i.e., hard to believe anyone playing here does NOT want Cuckoo in the playerset) makes your point, but whatever.

As far as unused players go, I notice that Willie Mays, arguably the most talented player who ever played, is often still on the waiver wire on opening night, surely that is not all just pricing...


not to go off an a tangent, but I think the ballparks versus the draft resolution has something to do with it, there seem to be some parks that are used over and over, frequently the same park more than once in the same division and others used rarely if at all; It seems to me that situation MAY be because the draft makes it a gamble to build a draft list for a park and then miss out on the guy you had planned to be the big contributor in that park. so people stick w/ parks that the player set (seems to have) lots of players for. or balanced parks, lots of balanced parks w/ virtually similar effect factors

to go a little further off... I would like to be able to 'build' my own park, set its BP effect factors myself - I guess that doesn't eliminate any of the situations people have complained about/criticized, but I will propose that it could make it easier to use some players who do not get used now because they don't fit into a park an owner is comfortable drafting for (and by drafting, I mean the draft list (including waivers, if they are used) and the inevitable post-draft/waivers clean-up and repair/finishing.

That is, a quirky park - and since there are plenty of balanced parks, a 'handmade', park would likely be an unbalanced park or a 'quirky' one that favors one side for singles, but the other for homers.

As to pricing (another hot topic in the thread, I think) - all I can say there is, I used to love using Forster (less than 2m) as a lefty reliever since his balance percentages showed that he must have gotten a lot of righties out too, but adding a non* SP to his card added over $2m to his cost and NO value to him as a reliever


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Re: 17.3 Card Add theme

PostSun Aug 13, 2017 1:55 pm

Just wondering when we get the next add? Based on the below post, should already be in process of being added.

Summer Add or 17.3
50 Cards - 1 whole team + 25, Focus to be based on May ADD


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Re: 17.3 Card Add theme

PostSun Aug 13, 2017 8:53 pm

Sorry all, the delay has been on my side. Summer/kids/job...just getting in the way.

We will be going with one Franchise and the other 25 will be split like this...5 top end, 20 zero cards.

I'll put together the franchise poll tonight and pull together the top end and zero card lists in the next few days.


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