Major League Keeper League (MLKL)

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Re: Major League Keeper League (MLKL)

PostSat Jun 03, 2017 11:07 am

Trade announcement

Edub1969 trades

Trey Mancini
Jung Ho Kang
Reynaldo Lopez
Edwin Diaz

to the Splinter for

Josh Donaldson

Splinter to confirm

the splinter

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Re: Major League Keeper League (MLKL)

PostSun Jun 04, 2017 7:52 am

I am not conforming this deal

I have decided against it


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Re: Major League Keeper League (MLKL)

PostSun Jun 04, 2017 10:32 am

Not sure what to do here since I've never run into it in 10 years of online play between TSN running the game and SOM. I'm sure normally the commissioner would rule on this, but don't think it's fair to put that on Hveed since he's Interim Commish.

I'm good with whatever the league decides or if Hveed wants to take it on himself, but Splinter said "I'll take it" in a reply back after some back and forth, I posted the deal and he then said he hates to Welch on a deal, but having serious second thoughts (3-4 hours later) and needed to think about it some more.

The entire back and forth can be posted if need be, but would like a ruling of some sort today and as I said, I'll be good with whatever is decided.


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Re: Major League Keeper League (MLKL)

PostSun Jun 04, 2017 12:49 pm

Is there any chance you guys can continue to work toward a deal that both sides will publicly confirm? Clearly this must be close.


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Re: Major League Keeper League (MLKL)

PostThu Jun 08, 2017 10:58 am

Hey all,
I will be on vacation and out of the country for 2 weeks (June 10 - 25). I should have internet conection most of the time but please don't be offended if I do not get back to you on a message until I get back.



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Re: Major League Keeper League (MLKL)

PostMon Jul 10, 2017 1:05 pm

Hi Guys!

Hope everyone had a great 4th and are ready to move on to our second season. Congrats to Rosco for winning Season 1.
Everyone needs to plan their drops now and get ready for the supplemental draft.
Per our league rules:
- Any player who has Major League baseball experience in any year prior to the current MLB season and who is not currently on a roster is eligible for the Supplemental draft.
- You may drop up to 3 players and draft as many players necessary to get your roster to 40 active players.
I will post a new thread for our drops. Please have all drops in by Saturday , 7/15 at 11:59 PM EST. I will post the draft order and start the supplemental draft on Monday, 7/17/2017 at 10:00 am EST.

The Supplemental draft order based on our last 2 seasons standings is as follows:

the splinter
The Turtle

The mid-season prospect draft will start immediately following the completion of the supplemental draft and we will hopefully get our second season underway on 7/24 or on 7/31.

Thanks and let me know if we have any questions.



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Re: Major League Keeper League (MLKL)

PostMon Jul 10, 2017 1:15 pm

What about summer prospects that need to be promoted, can additional drops past the 3 be done to promote them?


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Re: Major League Keeper League (MLKL)

PostMon Jul 10, 2017 1:28 pm

I'm not really sure....

The rules do not specify drops for summer promotions,

4) Regular players can be released from the 40-man roster only for the following reasons: a) pre-draft release prior to the Annual Spring Free Agent draft; b) pre-draft release prior to the Supplemental free agent draft; c) to bring a roster down to the 40-man limit as a result of an unbalanced transaction.

but that doesn't really make sense since summer drops have to be promoted or released.

Do you remember how we have handled this in the past?

My thoughts are that we allow teams to drop 3 plus how ever many summer prospect slots they want to promote as well and add an amendment to the rules. We would need to vote on the amendment though.


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Re: Major League Keeper League (MLKL)

PostMon Jul 10, 2017 1:35 pm

I tried to look back in this chat area but could not find any answer either way. Perhaps someone knows how this has been done in the past. Looks like there are about 9 summer prospects that need to be promoted or released from the rosters I have.

I guess what needs to be addressed is can you only drop 3 players to account for sup draft and pros draft or is it 3 + number of prospects you want to promote? I would think the latter (what if you had 4 summer prospect picks and only could drop 3 players? you would lose a prospect and could not participate in sup draft, that doesn't sound quite right to me).

I'll wait to post my drops until this is addressed.


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Re: Major League Keeper League (MLKL)

PostMon Jul 10, 2017 1:50 pm

I'm not sure this was ever factored in when the rule was changed. It makes sense though that you can drop as many players as necessary to have 3 supplemental puck plus promote all your prospects that need to be promoted.

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