Anatomy of a Live Draft

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Re: Anatomy of a Live Draft

PostSat Aug 26, 2017 10:57 am


good so far.

I'm not a fan of picking 11-- precisely because as happened there is a reasonable chance someone will either slip a bit- Foxxy and Mantle; or someone will grab OC before 11 who Id wanted to take there along with either Brett or Arky or similar in round 2.
was kind of caught taking Barnes as noted. In the last few drafts 2Bs have been going early as evidenced by someone grabbing Joe Morgan in round 1. So figured none of the top few would be left when it was my next pick.

Now also got some clue as to which way everyone was going-- although Druid knows how to pivot quickly to a different strategy-- but realized Steve was likely leaning lefty and DGF was either going lefty or playing his usual power ball park--Druid probably also playing something with power although still could go any direction.

Also I always write down where certain managers other than my division are picking, either because I think the flock MIGHT follow, or some other potential reason that might affect my choice.

Tonight in addition to my div: Druid, DGF, and Steve F (tough guys)

wrote down RBURGH and GERMS who picked right before me and Dodgers who picked right after me.

Okay...more later...


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Re: Anatomy of a Live Draft

PostSat Aug 26, 2017 2:09 pm

First of all, thanks for the kind words. After 4 years on the site, to even be recognized by two of the strongest vets around is indeed high praise. Let's see if I can live up to it :)

I started out with my usual top 60 list, plus 2-3 guys for each round in cue in case I sputter. Pretty much targeted Oscar C at pick and lefty park.

I was also watching my division closely, especially Druid and Salty. I knew thItere was no way Brett and Vaughan were gonna be there when I picked in rd 2. As mentioned, Druid is so fluid that I had no idea which direction he was going, and Salt threw me with the Piazza pick . Both players made great picks

I was happy with my first 5 picks, they are all guys I love for a lefty park. although when Gehrig slid to 26 I was sure hoping he's make it to 30! This is the first time I've used Walker so that should be interesting and fun.
Salt grabbed long time favorite Willie Mac early in 6. I had already resigned myself that I would not get him this draft. I timed out on pick 6 as I was about to take Gagne. Stearnes was in my cue so it could have been worse.

I kind of panicked in 7 with no pen yet and I think I might have taken Gordon too early. Probably should have gone Hecker or Sutton there. But with Druid and Salt grabbing Putz and Charleton I felt a little more ok with it.

More later

The Last Druid

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Re: Anatomy of a Live Draft

PostSat Aug 26, 2017 6:40 pm

Okay Round 6. With the last pick in Round 5 Dodgers42 takes Sutter and then Arrieta to start off Round 6. Both great picks and I would have taken either as my next pick. Salt then takes Willie McCovey. For quite a few years Schmidt and McCovey were my favorite live draft guys. Eventually Salt started taking McCovey earlier and earlier. Absolute prima facie evidence of his copying ME. Hypocritical swine!! I didn't mind this pick though, already have Foxx so McCovey wasn't on my radar anyway. :lol: Germs takes Kevin Brown, my other next pick and then Tiant goes, about where he should IMHO. I take B.J. Ryan. I was happy to get him, I now have arguably the top two lefty relievers and these suckers definitely do not grow on trees! DGF takes Gagne, I was sure he was thinking he got one over on me after Pelletier's WAR stuff with Gagne as the reliever with the best WAR. Doesn't mean he is the most valuable property though, obviously I have different views on the subject. Steve then takes Stearnes who normally lasts until the middle of the draft, but as he said he timed out... He used to go around here, but doesn't really have enough against righties to warrant a pick this high, I think anyway.

Steve takes Gordon, one of my favorite relievers at low caps but I was happy to see this pick because it meant Putz would still be there as DGF takes Sutton next. So I take my third reliever in a row. Still have no starters. Salt and I probably hold off the longest on starters, although Salt I am sure learned this from Nev and not me. Liking my pen a great deal but they better be good with no starters yet. Salt takes Charlton and with his first pick in Round 8 Frank Robinson, a fine pick. Not sure where he plans on heading parkwise yet, but he often picks parks that don't get used much by other managers. A recent favorite of his has been Greenlee, probably because he likes to have several small ball high average, high OBP, low power hitters in his lineups. I take Posey, almost never have him and certainly not this early. Probably not my best pick, but I do have something in mind. :idea: DGF continues channeling Marc Pelletier and takes Fred Lynn, also quite early. I'll be interested to see how his team turns out. Steve takes Slim Jones, a good pitcher but probably several rounds early, he sometimes much later. In Round 9 Steve takes Pfeister and DGF takes Stargell. Willie was way early too. I take Jennings which led to an exchange of words with Salty. He loves Jennings and was planning on taking him with his next pick, despite having Honus Wagner, who he was willing to dh with his 6.55 card! Anyway I desperately need infielders and starters so time to start grabbing some. Salty then grabs Franco, understandable with my taking the top lefty relievers; Franco complements Charlton nicely Then he takes Papelbon, a nice pick. Be cool to see him square off against Bryce Harper in our division! DGF takes Chipper and Steve takes another lefty park pitcher, Marichal. Steve's unfamiliarity with live drafts is showing a bit, his evaluation of players is accurate but he just doesn't know when they typically are taken in live drafts. Craig then takes Sale with his Round 10 pick! Usually he is on most of my teams, but typically get him in the very late rounds. Ever since I got the 2016 Kershaw voted in the set, people are clamoring for non * starters! This pick didn't annoy me at the time because I wasn't paying attention to Craig. When I went to look for Sales around 7 rounds later, was shocked to see he had been taken. Steve takes Norm Cash with his next pick, a former Salty favorite and a steal at this point. DGF takes the Big Unit next, which annoyed me as I wanted him. So I compromise on Sandberg's 5R card. Clearly I will now have platoons at 2B and 3B and ultimately these will factor heavily in my park selection. Salty then takes Shoeless Joe and Sixto, clearly his rightfield tandem. Joe fits the model that Salt uses to construct his teams and although I love the card, I usually get better results with his cheapest card. Go figure.

I then take my first starting pitcher who I respected but detested in real life -Rocket. Reverse cards are useful and given my lefty leaning division opponents, he seems like the best available choice. DGF continues with his bizarre picks and takes Strawberry, rarely even drafted at this cap but he did get a recent mention by Marc. :roll: Steve takes Jim Brewer, also early for him. He is a not illogical pick if you are throwing a lefty, when he comes in chances are he'll be facing almost all righties but still, they are righties who will kill lefties. That takes us through Round 12. Time for me to play some chess now. To be cont.


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Re: Anatomy of a Live Draft

PostSat Aug 26, 2017 8:22 pm

Love this thread, glad I happened to check it out. I'm a very infrequent live drafter. So, to get to hear/see the thoughts of a couple experienced/respected owners is very enlightening. Thanks for sharing guys (btw, Druid, you are up to pick in Alt7)

keep it coming.


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Re: Anatomy of a Live Draft

PostSat Aug 26, 2017 9:00 pm

Druid is laying it out nicely plus you get what everyone was thinking about in counterpoint.

I've liked McCovey's 9 mil card since he came out-- however Nev and Druid both had a higher value on him, and did used to grab Cash a whole lot, so this is true. :? 8-)

At this point in the draft I'm seeing 2 likely lefty teams and know Druid is going for some sort of power mix.
Am feeling like I don't have the necessary reverse lefties to go left and not enough right to go right, and also have a lot of high OBP guys in Brett, Barnes, Wagner somewhat.
Most of the OFs Id really be hot on are off the board.
No matter what with 2 Lefty parks and no OF yet, could use some lefty power so grab Griffey and McCovey in 5 and 6 (that's a druid move which ive purloined).
RPs are going fast but Charlton who I used to be able to grab late and now everyone loves, is still there so grab him.

My brain always says if you can't outdo em, gotta go an opposite direction, and with the pieces Ive got plus a couple more am thinking of how playing smaller might work out better.
That's where I start considering if grabbing Hughie and putting Honus' DH card which is great vs. left there.
Plus Im thinking can also potentially grab Joe Jax, although there aren't great options for LF.
Maybe Torriente, but he never seems to hit well at this level, so when Druid grabs Hughie, best OF on the board who can play left corner is FRob.

Now with Steve F and DGF racking up lefty hitters, gotta have an RP that shuts em down but isn't just a specialist, Franco is one of the best- and now that ive said this everyone will start grabbing him before 10 where I usually nab him. :?


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Re: Anatomy of a Live Draft

PostSat Aug 26, 2017 10:01 pm

Druid , you totally nailed it. I felt I needed 3 SP's and at the same time started to panic a bit seeing all the relievers going. This is pretty normal for me as I've alway thought relievers start going too soon, but I know you gotta go with the flow. Jones was too early I was ok with Pfiester and Marichal I jumped the gun on but he's always on my teams. Cash being there I felt too good to pass up but after that I REALLY panicked on the pen , Brewer was in my que so I grabbed him , and I consider Fingers in 13th probably my worst move of the draft!

I really wanted Juan Gon in 14 missed him by one so got the best lefty killer I could find. In fact did that on the following 2 picks as well, although I think I over reached for Ordonez too.

17th worked out for me as Torriente was the only lefty 3bman left that I like at all. Rhodes I don't know, thought it was ok but probably would have sat there another round or 2.

O'Dell was a TERRIBLE pick. Plus I waited too long on Lloyd, assuming I could get him in the 23rd. This forced a trade (Ordonez) in which I think I overpaid, but Druid gifted me Chino (essentially I traded you Hanley for him, I think you got the better of that, but Chino has always been a fave) after the draft and with Clemente in free agents I still felt it made my team better.

I also whiffed on the righty catchers, threw a dart at Oscar Heavy. We'll see I guess. Had my eye on Santana for my last pick but he was snagged ahead of me, but later cut so I grabbed him. Santana has always overachieved for me (now that I've said that of course he'll bomb)

I'm probably looking at 3rd place in this division but it will be fun!


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Re: Anatomy of a Live Draft

PostSat Aug 26, 2017 10:24 pm

STEVE F wrote:
I'm probably looking at 3rd place in this division but it will be fun!

not convinced of this at all-- I'm still feeling very iffy on this one;
Ive got a few guys like Griffey-- if you get the good one look out- he can be a major stud bat, but the not so good one, and yeesh.
The OC and Turkey combo Ive used and like.
Other people seem to get something out of the top walker card, but for me hasn't been great.
Cash in a lefty park-- well, usually excellent.


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Re: Anatomy of a Live Draft

PostSat Aug 26, 2017 11:16 pm

Don't get me wrong, I like my team. But I can also see that I made a LOT of mistakes, where you guys make very few.

PS I changed my team name so I'll always remember it was linked to this thread. :D


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Re: Anatomy of a Live Draft

PostSun Aug 27, 2017 12:24 pm

Ok, some of my mistakes as I see them

Biggest mistake: Not taking Jennings in round 9

round 6 should have taken Eck or Mariano instead of Stearnes
round 7 either Sutton, Charleton or Putz would have been better picks than Gordon. ( I was obsessed with getting an R2)

8 and 9 Probably stick with Pfiester but take my LF instead of Jones (assuming I didn't take Stearnes), hope Jones slides

14 Nen or Wetteland would have been better than Fingers. Actually I think Juan Gon should have been my pick here

16 Kelly Bench or Dibble would have been better picks then Mags. If missed on Jones Cicotte would have been ok here

21 O'Dell was HORRIBLE this is where I should have grabbed Pop instead of assuming I'd get him in 23rd
Last edited by STEVE F on Sun Aug 27, 2017 1:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

The Last Druid

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Re: Anatomy of a Live Draft

PostSun Aug 27, 2017 12:37 pm

Round 13 was pretty straightforward. Steve took Fingers, DGF Yaz, I took Tip O'Neill and Salt took Paige. I would have probably taken Paige myself next round or two so I wasn't thrilled with him being taken. Salt, picking 11th then further ravages the SP's by taking Keefe. Damn. So I take Lady Baldwin, at least he should be functional in my division. Dgf then takes Gonzo in RF and Steve takes Fielder. These two have been going later recently since the last bunch of new cards were added but I wasn't happy to have to watch the pool of lefty killers dwindle so abruptly and these are both necessary additions to their lefty leaning parks. Continuing with the lefty killer theme Steve then takes Clift and DGF Hodges. That's three good picks in a row for DGF. I take Manny and Salt takes Delahanty. One of the advantages of Salt playing more in hybrid parks without going strictly for a bomber stadium, is that guys like Ed are more likely to still be available later in the draft and make fine additions to a team, at least for the home games. On the other hand, playing in those parks tends to create problems on the road when poorer hitters with 8#'s become more valuable and it can be hard to keep up offensively with guys like Delahanty, Shoeless Joe and Honus against lineups that feature 7-9 guys with 8#'s. Next round Salt takes Billy Hamilton, adding to his collection of dead ball superstars. I take Home Run Johnson to platoon with Sandberg and even back up Jennings. Next go O'Doul and Ordonez. Magglio is a good pick, but if O'Doul is gonna be your dh at this cap, you probably should rethink your entire draft strategy next time. Steve then takes Torriente, a fine pick. I took him around here last draft to be my starting CF but Steve took him for his 3b platoon with Clift. DGF, whose team is appropriately named Natural Disasters, then takes Eichorn, a meh pick. I very happily take Glaus to platoon with Beltre. Salt then grabs Hubbell and Seward, both reasonable picks at this point as usable starters are just about gone. Then I grab Travis Hafner, quite pleased with myself that I got him so late. Let's see what kind of numbers he puts up as my Dh compared to O'Doul. As a dh he is underpriced, in part because of his 15 game injury proneness, but he and Manny will both get playing time at dh, depending on the park and pitchers. Key pick for my team, I'm probably only going to start 3 or 4 lefties vs righties and only two against lefties, so I like the balance he gives me. I actually think getting him here is almost as lucky as getting Foxx with the 8th pick overall in the draft. Wetteland and Rhodes come next. I wanted Rhodes and Wetteland is good for DGF's park but was not on my radar. The rest of the draft is comparatively unremarkable. I like my team the best in my division but my starting pitching could be an Achilles Heel. Now to figure out my 3 frenzy picks and my park.

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