17.3 'Stud' Player Poll

Discussion for new cards to add; moderated by Rosie2167

Moderator: BC15NY

Pick 4

Seymour Cy 1905 CIN OF 1 16 MBC 377/429/559/988 21tp
Pelty Barney 1906 SLB SP* 1 10 BC 0.951whip 16-11 25cg 260in
Zimmerman Heine 1912 CHC 3B 1B 1 13 MBC 372/418/571/989 MVP-6 INJ+
Kauff Benny 1914 IND OF 0 8 370/447/534/981
Sisler George 1922 SLB 1B 2 15 420/467/594/1061 1e18 MVP-1
Heilmann Harry 1923 DET RF 1B 2 17 403/481/632/1113 MVP-3 INJ+
Rice Harry 1925 HOU OF 0 9 359/450/568/1028 MVP-5 INJ+
Manush Heine 1928 SLB LF 1 17 BC 378/414/575/989 MVP-2
Watkins George 1930 STL RF 1B 2 7 MBC 373/415/621/1037 INJ+ New Franch
Mize Johnny 1947 NYG 1B 2 15 302/384/614/998/51hr/MVP-3/would be first Giants card
Mantle Mickey 1957 NYY CF 3 18 365/512/665/1177/MVP-1
Sanders Reggie 1995 CIN RF CF 0 17 975 MVP-6 INJ+
Lankford Ray 1997 STL CF 0 14 996OPS MVP-16 INJ+
Vaughn Greg 1998 SD LF 1 15 MBC 272/363/597/960 MVP-4 SS 50HR New Franch
Alou Moises 2000 HOU LF RF 1 17 355/416/623/1039 INJ+, New Franch
Hidalgo Richard 2000 HOU OF 0 9 314/391/636/1028 MVP-20
Sosa Sammy 2001 CHC RF 3 18 328/437/737/1174 MVP-2 INJ-0
Sweeney Mike 2002 KC 1B 0 16 340/417/563/979 MVP-20 INJ+
Bonds Barry 2004 SF LF 3 22 362/609/812/1422 MVP-1 SS 4+2e5
Drew J.D. 2004 BRV RF CF 0 14 305/436/569/1006 MVP-6
Saito Takashi 2007 DOD RP 0 7 0.715whip 39sv
Kemp Matt 2011 DOD CF 0 12 324/399/586/986 MVP-2 GG
Cano Robinson 2012 NYY 2B 1 13 313/379/550/929 MVP-4 GG SS 1e6 INJ-0 8R
Davis Chris 2013 BAL 1B 0 10 286/370/634/1004 MVP-3, SS 6R 2e6
Jansen Kenley 2016 DOD RP 0 8 0.67whip 4R 47sv R1/C6
Total votes : 489

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Re: 17.3 'Stud' Player Poll

PostTue Sep 05, 2017 12:35 pm

Salty wrote:Harry H and Sisler --
Both have potentially very studly cards, no argument if either of those got in.

Listen, this add is supposed to be 5 stud cards. (don't understand why its ONLY 5-- I mean why aren't we getting 12 for example?- this is the 'Big' card add)
That's 1/10 of the total add.

Can we actually get FIVE stud cards?

What some folks don't seem to get is that pricing on Greg Vaughn won't matter-- he's not even going to play at
140 mil, never mind anything higher.

Using Salty's note to answer but this goes to everyone that has these cards close to heart...

When we started this version of the card add process last summer my vision was to have small groups or individuals step up and focus in on certain areas of cards. At first pass I set that to work through ERA's and Franchises, it's safe to say that didn't blossom liked I'd hoped. It also seems apparent that if it is going to work it should also include or morph into how we've dissected this card add; Studs, Zero cards, by position.

So what that means to me is you guys that are the loudest about these 'stud' cards are great candidates to lead the charge as Stud card ambassadors.

This time around I collected all the nominations, looked them all up, quickly vetted them and popped them into a poll. Not ideal, somewhat time consuming and open to mistakes.

How it should work:
1) We decide on the direction of the card add
2) We determine the split among the card add across the card types
3) I say, hey Stud card ambassadors, we're going to add 5 cards from your Stud group. Please provide me with 25 already vetted cards to vote on.
4) The Stud card ambassadors respond (within 48hrs), Great news Rosie, here are the 25 that we've already discussed within our group. We'd be happy to welcome any of these guys into ATG and $200M+ leagues!
5) Polls are up and voting commences within one week of the call for Cards to vote on

So is it safe to assume that those of you that have chimed in on these cards are willing and able to shepherd the process for this Stud group?



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Re: 17.3 'Stud' Player Poll

PostTue Sep 05, 2017 12:38 pm

Salty wrote:Gotta say-
Second-- Mize-- is this a franchise add or a stud add? For a 1b, an OPS below 1.000 probably won't cut it as a stud either.

Third-- why are jansen (great card) Saito and Cano (my personal one that can't believe still won't be added-- its almost like people don't realize hes a 1 at 2b and can hit) listed here instead of with the 2bs and RPs?

All 3 of them would have a much better chance to be added there than against the other stud cards-- Yeah, Bonds Mantle Sosa those are all really nice cards.

Mize was submitted as a Stud card add.

Cano was listed here because all the other polls were designed to be for Zero carded players.

Jansen and Saito could've been in the RP poll, but with their super low whip I figured they would dominate that group and there were other long time relievers that deserved a look. Yes Wade Davis could've been in the Stud poll as well.


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Re: 17.3 'Stud' Player Poll

PostTue Sep 05, 2017 12:40 pm

ratioman2 wrote:Good points Salty. Too many great cards here. I want them all!

Heinie Zimmerman is in both this poll and the 3b poll, and while he won't make either, combined he voted very well - presumably people didn't vote for him in both polls or someone would have brought this up earlier. So a fair amount of people thought he had value in each.

Pelty would have done much better in the SP poll

Heinie in both polls was my oversight, function of moving a bit to quickly to get the polls up once I had them in motion.

Pelty has a card already and therefore didn't qualify for the SP poll.


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Re: 17.3 'Stud' Player Poll

PostTue Sep 05, 2017 12:43 pm

Salty wrote:Harry H and Sisler --
Both have potentially very studly cards, no argument if either of those got in.

Listen, this add is supposed to be 5 stud cards. (don't understand why its ONLY 5-- I mean why aren't we getting 12 for example?- this is the 'Big' card add)
That's 1/10 of the total add.

Can we actually get FIVE stud cards?

What some folks don't seem to get is that pricing on Greg Vaughn won't matter-- he's not even going to play at
140 mil, never mind anything higher.

It's only five as we as a community identified quite a few areas to add. Its really only 1/5 of the add as the first 25 went to the Rays Franchise add.

After a further look at Vaughn (if/when he gets in) he'll probably end up around Orlando Cepeda who's $6.73.


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Re: 17.3 'Stud' Player Poll

PostTue Sep 05, 2017 2:02 pm

Rosie2167 wrote:
Salty wrote:
After a further look at Vaughn (if/when he gets in) he'll probably end up around Orlando Cepeda who's $6.73.

First thanks Rosie for responding- again, your efforts are appreciated.

It doesn't matter if his price is 4 million-- he still wouldn't start (and therefor is a waste) at 140 million.
Cepeda doesn't play at that cap either.

Also, Ive got no issues with the 25 players you've devoted to the Rays franchise---

but can we not also get even 12 'Stud' cards??!??

ON top of that both Vaughn and Mize are franchise adds :( :(

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