18.1 proposed direction

Discussion for new cards to add; moderated by Rosie2167

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18.1 proposed direction

PostWed Oct 26, 2016 4:14 pm

Fellow ATG caretakers - We currently have the commitment of SOM to add 125 (yes 125 as I stand corrected) cards per year across 4 Adds. Following along with the software revision concept I'll be referring to those adds as YEAR.ADD, so this upcoming Add will be 16.2. Next year 17.1...

I've found this helps (me at least) keep track of our progress and should allow us to look back on things should we want to at some point.

So here's my proposal, as I think it would be helpful to be able to look forward and know what kind of focus there will be. Oh and before I get my proposal out I've noted my one big mistake in this whole endeavor so far, (please refrain from pointing them all out in this string) we should've leveraged the momentum that was created during the 16.1 ADD and already voted on and had our next batch ready to go. So I will attempt to do just that this time.

Proposed Annual Cadence:
Spring Training Add or 17.1
25 Cards - Focus is on Pre-Exp players
Reasoning, our 16.1 and 16.2 Add was heavy on EXP players

Early Season Add or 17.2
25 Cards - Focus was OPEN
Added 5 1B, 3 2B, 12 OF, 2 SP, 3 RP

Summer Add or 17.3
50 Cards - 1 whole team + 25, Focus to be based on May ADD
Added the 2008 Tampa Bay Rays, 6 SP, 6 RP, 3 2B, 2 3B, 2 SS, 2 C, 1 1B, 3 OF (44 zero carded players)

Fall Classic Add or 17.4
25 Cards - Focus OPEN or another Team here?

Of course always happy to open this up for discussion.


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Re: ATG Card Add Proposed Annual Cadence

PostWed Oct 26, 2016 4:19 pm

17.3 I think would be a good time to add a whole team, since it's a 50 card add we could have our cake and eat it too.


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Re: ATG Card Add Proposed Annual Cadence

PostThu Oct 27, 2016 10:13 pm

I think the summer add (50 cards) seems like the perfect time to add a whole team...still get a 25 card individual add at the same time...I'd rather see the team voted in regardless of league and series outcome.

Still campaigning for the 2008 Rays to be added...



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Re: ATG Card Add Proposed Annual Cadence

PostFri Oct 28, 2016 3:39 pm

A whole team for 17.3 + 25 cards does sound good.

The Last Druid

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Re: ATG Card Add Proposed Annual Cadence

PostSun Oct 30, 2016 9:37 am

What about ATG 9?


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Re: ATG Card Add Proposed Annual Cadence

PostMon Nov 14, 2016 7:14 pm

edited the cadence in initial post


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Re: ATG Card Add Annual Cadence

PostThu Apr 20, 2017 3:38 pm

There may be some extra open cards in the summer add. Players from a particular team may already be in the ATG 8 set.


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Re: ATG Card Add Annual Cadence

PostMon Aug 07, 2017 2:59 pm

What happened to this add? If we submitted a list of 50 new cards today it would be doubtful we'd get them added in August.


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Re: ATG Card Add Proposed Annual Cadence

PostTue Sep 05, 2017 4:52 pm

The Last Druid wrote:What about ATG 9?

That's happening with Alex Jones and the Sex Colony on Mars.


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Re: ATG Card Add Annual Cadence

PostTue Oct 31, 2017 5:47 pm

Below is my analysis of our adds across three dimensions and two timelines.

The last grouping excludes the 2008 TB Rays, I wanted the % of the individual cards added. Also don't try and add the %'s up in the BY POSITION matrix (that means you Bill), because they won't. I included any listed position for everyone but CF, SS or 2B figuring we'd play a guy with a 4 at 3B, 1B, LF and RF but wouldn't at CF, SS or 2B.

Initial take:
1. We are doing pretty damn good at focusing on players with zero or one card in ATG
2. We should consider a positional add of 3B, SS, CF and C
3. Older should be the new Newer, we have been heavy on the more recent players

1B 33 17% 17 14%
2B 20 10% 14 11%
3B 14 7% 9 7%
SS 9 5% 6 5%
CF 13 7% 7 6%
LFRF 50 25% 32 26%
C 9 5% 7 6%
SP 44 22% 26 21%
RP 31 16% 25 20%
PURE RP 26 13% 22 18%

BY PREV CARDS/% of 200/LAST 4 ADDS/% of 125
0 111 56% 79 63%
1 41 21% 18 14%
2 31 16% 15 12%
3 15 8% 12 10%
4 2 1% 1 1%

BY DECADE/% of 175/LAST 4 ADDS/% of 100
PRE 1900 2 1% 0 0%
1900-09 3 2% 3 3%
1910-19 3 2% 2 2%
1920-29 11 6% 7 7%
1930-39 4 2% 2 2%
1940-49 4 2% 2 2%
1950-59 15 9% 9 9%
1960-69 11 6% 9 9%
1970-79 18 10% 9 9%
1980-89 12 7% 6 6%
1990-99 23 13% 13 13%
2000-09 45 26% 30 30%
2010+ 24 14% 8 8%

As always, open to others interpretation of the data.

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