Tue Sep 19, 2017 1:14 pm
I believe the big issue here for SOM is "us"! A majority of the online SOM game are corporate execs, doctors, lawyers, etc. who only have time in their days to play the online Strato. Expectations are very high!
The baseball is a premium product, so we continue to play (though as per Lance's note, the improvement have stalled out). SOM still has plenty of room to improve baseball.
Because of the clientele playing these games, it's no wonder the online Football didn't live up to our standards. Way too many holes during the launch....and way too many highly educated, high functioning people who would like to play, but not happy about the glaring issues.
Many of us vets have been called on to be beta testers in the past. I honestly don't believe this was beta tested by an users. That was the biggest mistake in my opinion. Rush to launch to coincide with the real football season kind of backfired.