Sat Sep 30, 2017 1:31 pm
Well Tim, since you asked. Here is the pertinent clause from the rules:
"October or November- 3 round FA draft, based on the standing from the first league. Any drops must be declared before the draft, and any player
dropped goes into the FA pool. You can use 1, 2, 3, or none of your picks in this draft. After this draft is complete, no FA moves of any kind.
October/Nov/Dec/Jan (depending on when we start)- Our winter league. After this is finished, we add the point totals as previously mentioned, and set the divisions for the 05 game."
And since tomorrow is October 1, we can begin posting our drops. Let's give it two weeks for drops to be posted, then we can begin the draft on Monday, Oct. 16.
Let me know if anyone has any concerns/conflicts.
Respectfully yours,