I brought it up Spider because I'm posting my ratings so I thought it would make it easier to compare.
I did these before last night's games so things could have changed a little.
All the ratings
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Team... O... P... F.. P+F. Ovrl Div
Smokey. 8396 4960 188 5148 3248 W
JoeTJet 8430 4764 427 5191 3239 E
Spider. 7820 4574 190 4764 3056 W
Falcon. 8086 4496 545 5041 3046 E
Gbrooke 8392 5233 253 5486 2906 C
SemperG 7663 4506 273 4779 2884 C
Stoney. 8316 5033 449 5483 2833 W
Jeep... 8072 4720 526 5246 2826 W
Dale... 7724 4501 425 4926 2798 C
Doug... 8443 4762 898 5659 2784 E
nythawk 8535 5218 567 5784 2747 C
BigAlrc 7862 5010 202 5212 2649 E
Here are the division break downs. Best Offense is in the East (not a surprise with those parks). Also not surprising that their pitching is the worst, but not that much over the Central. Best rating is the West. Ratings would say that the Central is the weakest division. So far the jury's a bit out due to the extreme nature of Semper and Doug's intradivisional records, but we can say that the West has done the poorest intradivisional.
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Divi Offn Ptch Fld P+F Overall
East 8023 4754 389 5119 2878
Cent 8339 4745 514 5260 3079
West 8073 4944 332 5277 2797
Overall - Spider and Doug have been disappointing while Semper and Big A have done better than the ratings would expect. Smoke is a bit low also and Jeep a bit high.
Ratings would suggest that Spider and Smoke are the best two in the West, JTJ and Falcon battling in the East and the Central being the weakest division, but really a four way shootout although Hawk would be a long shot.
The reality? Big A is hanging around, to the surprise of the ratings, in the east, but Doug is about where expected.
Central - Semper's one run record, +9, is the biggest reason this division is out of whack. The pythag w/l are more in line with what the ratings would expect out of this division.
West - Jeep has surprised the ratings, but the overall performance of this division has surprised the ratings. Part of this, of course, is stoney's amazing -13 one run record while Smokey is a -5. smokey's pythag would put him in line with his rating.
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Team Ov Ovrl Rtg Rec Dif
Smokey. 3248 2 5 -3 W
JoeTJet 3239 2 4 -2 E
Spider. 3056 4 8 -4 W
Falcon. 3046 4 4 0 E
Gbrooke 2906 6 4 2 C
SemperG 2884 6 2 4 C
Stoney. 2833 7 9 -2 W
Jeep... 2826 7 4 3 W
Dale... 2798 7 5 2 C
Doug... 2784 7 11 -4 E
nythawk 2747 8 7 1 C
BigAlrc 2649 9 5 4 E
Doug's offense has been much worse than the ratings would expect and Semper much better. JTJ and GB are a bit low also.
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Team Of O Rtg Run Dif
nythawk 8535 1 2 -1 C
Doug... 8443 2 8 -6 E
JoeTJet 8430 2 5 -3 E
Smokey. 8396 2 4 -2 W
Gbrooke 8392 2 5 -3 C
Stoney. 8316 3 5 -2 W
Falcon. 8086 7 5 2 E
Jeep... 8072 7 6 1 W
BigAlrc 7862 10 8 2 E
Spider. 7820 10 10 0 W
Dale... 7724 11 9 2 C
SemperG 7663 12 7 5 C
Pitching and fielding - Spider is waaaay lower than the ratings expect while Stoney is high. GB would also be considered a bit high
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Team PF P+F Rtg Run Dif
Spider. 4764 1 7 -6 W
SemperG 4779 1 1 0 C
Dale... 4926 3 2 1 C
Falcon. 5041 4 3 1 E
Smokey. 5148 5 3 2 W
JoeTJet 5191 6 7 -1 E
BigAlrc 5212 6 4 2 E
Jeep... 5246 6 6 0 W
Stoney. 5483 9 5 4 W
Gbrooke 5486 9 6 3 C
Doug... 5659 11 12 -1 E
nythawk 5784 12 10 2 C
Fielding - Smoke, Spider and Big A are at the top while Doug is the worst by a looooong shot.
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Fieldng FRt
Smokey. 188
Spider. 190
BigAlrc 202
Gbrooke 253
SemperG 273
Dale... 425
JoeTJet 427
Stoney. 449
Jeep... 526
Falcon. 545
nythawk 567
Doug... 898
So, Spider, the ratings agree with you on Semper and JTJ, and to an extent yourself, but not so much on Doug. It agrees with you on fielding and Hawk on offense, but not Doug in pitching (although the ratings only have him middle of the pack in pure pitching) because you didn't take into account his incredibly poor fielding.