How Strat calculates 365 dollar values for an SP?

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Chris Franco

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How Strat calculates 365 dollar values for an SP?

PostTue Dec 05, 2017 9:48 am

Just curious if anyone has sort of cracked the code.

Say, you have two identical starting pitchers stat wise....I know this is impossible, but if you would just play along....
Two starting pitchers, both the same season, on the same team, with the exact same stats identical completely across the board in every area...both pitchers are basically mirror images of each other...
But StratOMatic in their quirkiness, gives one of these starting pitchers and asterisk and the other they do not...
How much more will the one with the asterisk be priced? $.50M?...a $1.00M?
Anyone know how much approximately Strat prices that *?

(I ask this as to try and get a quick brain tool for comparing two starters with comparable stats, one a * the other a non *)


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Re: How Strat calculates 365 dollar values for an SP?

PostTue Dec 05, 2017 1:44 pm

Don't know if this is correct but since the * pitcher can pitch 25 percent more games he should be priced 25 percent higher. So two identical pitchers the 1.00 non * would be 1.25. more realistically the 4.00 non would be 5 bucks.

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