Mon Jan 08, 2018 6:42 pm
Here is the current list of missing players by league for the Mystery Tournament:
1 - 76. Bustanutt0
1 - 74. Great Unwashed
1 - 77. mazzterr
2 - 32. wjeanblanc
2 - 107. zanstrat04 (The Colonel)
3 - 108. cslaw3239 (checked in)
4 - 72. Scorehouse
4 - 113. tgmfp
4 - 118. trbee
5 - 61. Big Kahuna Inc.
5 - 93. MacDaddy21
5 - 7. samh0711
6 - 58. Delbird
6 - 104. Murf4
6 - 114. Pushpin76
8 - 89. dl385
8 - 78. DoctorGonzo
8 - 66. GordieHowe
8 - 88. pats09
9 - 82. diamonddave
9 - 28. ggyuppie (to be replaced by Takahana)
9 - 57. McMAC
9 - 33. roodhome1234
9 - 111. SilentCal
10 - 110. stratmaster22
If you are in a league with any of these players, please send them a message. Likewise, if you know how to contact them, please contact them and ask them to join or check in with a post letting us know when they will join.