2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

the official tournament of the All-Time Greats VI player set

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Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostFri Feb 02, 2018 8:39 pm

The Last Druid wrote:To sociophil. My initial post was not meant to be personal. But given your response, this one is. Undeserving is an understatement given your performance during this year's tour, not to mention your stratospheric era in the postseason where you continued to sport a negative run differential. You are basically a moderately successful ATG tourist who was extremely fortunate to squeak by two post-season series. I wouldn't brag about the Mathews for Williams switch either. You could easily have lost Williams for the entire playoffs and most of the lefties you putatively got him for were reverse lefties anyway.

I very much look forward to your presence in the finals. :lol:

sociophil - I'll be rooting for you


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Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order



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Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostSun Feb 04, 2018 3:55 pm

First of all, as a dilettante vis a vis this whole tournament, I remain an avid baseball fan and an overall SOM fan. To win in any long game, as baseball is, requires a combination of acuity, flexibility, perseverance, and fortune.
The reasons I even chose to enter the last two barnstormers tournament are the test they present of acuity, flexibility, perseverance, and fortune.
I am one who chooses not to play $200M events; I feel it is too severely tilted in favour of the initial draft, thus reducing the impact of acuity, flexibility, and perseverance. However, it is an event played, and enjoyed, by many, so I do agree with its inclusion in the tournament schedule.
Also, the opportunity to win the whole damn thing is why there are wildcard teams in playoffs to begin with. The fact the Dodgers have not won a world series for a while neither diminishes them as a team, nor does it do a damn thing to tarnish those that have won in the interim.

I'm rooting for sociophil.


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Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostSun Feb 04, 2018 5:20 pm

Socialphil has earned his spot based on the rules and glad to be competing against him. Of the guys that made it to the top nine, you have a few that won less than 91 games in other events, but were able to pad their point totals as they won their league as champions. Are they any less deserving? I don't think so. It is a very small margin between top 10 and top 25 IMO. A couple of bad clunkers and you're out basically unless you've won out in your other events. I think we all recognize that playoffs are a crapshoot and even the best designed teams can have a bad series. I've had a few teams that have outstanding run differentials and fail to make the playoffs, and vice-versa had middling teams that barely break even and won out. that's just the nature of the game, just like the 87 Twins, 88 Dodgers, 85 Royals, 2006 Cards, 73 Mets (should have saved Seaver for Game 7!) and other mediocre teams that won. But they are champs and nobody can ever deny them that.

The Last Druid

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Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostSun Feb 04, 2018 6:55 pm

The fact that wild cards are ubiquitous in contemporary professional sports is due to their money making potential and has little relevance to the structure of the Barnstormers Tour. Period. The chance of the best team actually winning a professional championship is, as a result, diminished compared to the pre-wild card era. Blame it on the vast revenues that prime time postseason play creates for the league in question. The Barnstormers, however, is designed specifically for managers to demonstrate their acumen across a wide range of conditions. The current postseason structure is inimical to that. For example, outtaleftfield totally dominated League One with the 11-35 player group, yet got nothing for it. I don't believe that players who finish as low as 60th (59 since Hank dropped out) should have the same opportunity of advancing to the finals as the league with managers 11-23. And this time we are getting two of the finalists with 85 win teams, which is more luck than anything else.

Obviously given the structure of the rules, the guys who will be drafting 10-12th are in because they got there because of their performance within the context of the current rules. My point of my initial post is to bring to light the inherent inequity in the Barnstormers playoff system, one that favors fortune in a single league as opposed to performance over 5 of 6 seasons and, should the tour continue beyond this year, create a fairer system that rewards overall performance in the tournament, thus at least increasing the likelihood that the most successful manager wins a ring. It was not intended, per se, to denigrate the achievements of those individuals who qualify because of the current rules, although Sociophil clearly took it as such. Oh well.

Historically many of the tournament winners were not the most successful managers (i.e. who finished first in the overall standings). This happened to me the year DonFesq won it, and will also probably happen this year as well. If it were up to me I would dispense with the Barnstormers postseason all together in favor of two more events in the tour itself and whomever finishes first is the Champion.

I sat out last year because the previous year I had amassed the best overall record across the 5 events that contributed to the total score, but completely crapped out in the post season and so finished in the 12-24 group. I still think that the postseason results are weighted too heavily in the final standings and I lobbied to change this and the board listened - they just didn't quite go far enough IMHO. This time I had four great events, despite being lucky enough to garner four rings as well. I had two bad events but still managed significant positive run differential with those teams. I actually liked both those teams a great deal and would draft them again, but stuff happens.

If the tour continues beyond this year, I do have a rather radical idea for the post season. Only the top 12 managers make it, or conversely the top 11 and there is 1 semifinal league for managers 13-24 to get the one "wild card" spot.
The finals then consists of the top 12 managers, but they play two identical leagues. One live draft but two identical leagues. This was something I did several times back in ATG III and IV against very high level opposition. If the same manager wins both leagues, he is the champion. In the more likely event that there are two winners, then the best overall record across the two leagues (between the two league champions) gets the overall Barnstormer's Champion title.

This is a format that would be much more likely than the present format to reward skill over chance and be much more likely to create Champions who really earned the title.


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Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostMon Feb 05, 2018 1:19 am

Last season, my first attempt at the barn stormer, I had one dud team. I had no idea what I was doing in the 200 mil league. My strategy completely back fired. 4 made the playoffs and the 5th won 84 games. I was one point from the play in round. But 5 of my teams finished with the top 4 records in their respected leagues. I managed every night and stayed interested.

I'm not sure I'd play with the same enthusiasm if by the 4th league and I'm in say 50th place and I have to leap frog around 30 teams to make the playoffs. Having the wild card keeps most of the participants involved. I've only witnessed one team mail it in early. It had a major affect on the league because it inflated one division by about 6 wins each. I think the team that gave up won 44 games total. This may occur more often without the wild card.

Last Druid may have the best odds to win but I'd take the field over any one team when dice are involved. But his chances are a little better if he's not going up against the 12 best.

Currently I'm 2 wins away from getting the last spot and if I make it by winning an exrra round I'll feel like I earned it. The wild card is exciting and I love the fact that one team had to win a league with 24 teams.

mighty moose

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Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostMon Feb 05, 2018 1:53 am

And now back to regular business. Due to the plus-minus of sociophil's semi-final team, he will take the 12th and final spot in the finals. No vote is needed from him YET while Sox040713 and Morpheus battle it out for the title in the first semifinal. Both teams have the same 85 wins that sociophil has but will win the 11th spot on the plus-minus tiebreaker.

1. The Last Druid - 100 Mil / (80 NO DH 100 DH) / 1st pick
2. Hank O - Not playing
2. labratory - 80 Mil / (80 NO DH 100 NO DH) / 2nd pick
3. DonFESQ - 100 Mil / (80 DH 100 DH) (confirmation needed) / 3rd pick
4. hallerose - 100 Mil / (80 DH 100 DH) / 4th pick
5. cristano1 - 80 Mil / (80 DH 100 DH) / 5th pick
6. JohnnyBlazers - 80 Mil / (80 DH 100 DH) / 6th pick
7. mjruth - 100 Mil / (80 NO DH 100 NO DH) / 7th pick
8. tmfw30 - 80 Mil / (80 NO DH 100 NO DH) / 12th pick
9. BDWard - 100 Mil / (80 NO DH 100 NO DH) / 8th pick
10. andycummings65 100 Mil (80 DH 100 DH) / 9th pick
11. Semifinal League 1 Champion
12. sociophil -

Draft picks 10-11 are available.

Running total

100 Mil - 6
80 Mil - 4


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Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order



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Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostMon Feb 05, 2018 7:30 pm

For those of you who don't know Petrosian slash Last Droid, he whines about everything. This is nothing new. No one should be surprised at this. At all. Congrats sociophil, well deserved Finals berth.

The Last Druid

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The perpetual bridesmaid weighs in early this year

PostMon Feb 05, 2018 9:09 pm

Thus speaketh the failed and delusional former tight end. Still smoking all that weed that derailed your football career? Usually you don't start running your mouth until you trash the first draft pick or two, which you did the past two years. Ironic since a few rounds later you wasted early picks on Klippstein and your little favorite SS Wallace, as you invariably do. For someone who has never won anything here, you have such an exalted opinion of your strat prowess. I guess if you run tens of thousands of simulations you get a sense of what works, but too bad you have never quite managed to parlay that information into a BS championship. I guarantee this year will be no different.

Many of the guys here are not as familiar with your history going back to before 2010 when you claimed I was all washed up and ran your mouth constantly about how great only you are, betraying your narcissistic and sociopathic nature. You're definitely a five tool tool.

You even make Radagast Brown look normal.

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