I wouldn't feel too bad about not getting McGee.
Mcgee does not have the card that he appears to have. Check your player roster in the computer game or that card viewer app that SOM has been pushing.
That 3-7 Sl vs righties is, if I recall, something like Sl 1-3 lo ss 4-20 or even worse.
Marc made the discovery in a thread on the ATG boards, I think from early in 2017 after I posted about how Diamond Dope screwed up the rating on one very popular player added in 2016. That rating still hasn't been fixed in DD
(I wasn't giving that info away) but the mystery of the 1985 Sl has been solved. You can calculate the actual singles from the little color bar each card now has at the bottom to determine what the mystery Sl ratings actually are for the '85 players.
And even if you knew about McGee, you made the astute point earlier about it being a vast set with all kinds of options. You just didn't get your ideal scenario. The set is so big that with a good first few rounds, one could skip the next ten rounds and still have a shot at the playoffs.