Fri Feb 16, 2018 1:43 pm
Petro: We are the exact opposite general manager. You put faith in sample sizes of 1. You put faith in HAL. As if HAL could even adequately manage a staff of 12 pitchers. To be honest, I am kind of worried leaving HAL to manage my deadball slow hook F0 four huge starters. You mainly copy the trendy stuff of the moment. Mark my words, next year Barnstormers will shift back to big stars then shift again to something else. These tiny starters are just a phase. Heredia has no business making even 1 start in a 100m cap league. Even against a team with 9 lefty batters. And of course, you consider the Jet ratings the Old Testament.
For me, if I can't prove something over a minimum of 1000 seasons then I don't believe it. I don't use any intense mathematical concepts, I simply treat everything as false unless my Excel file proves it true. I am original, I use my own boys, and this league there will be 3 starting position players on my batting roster that I've never used on any previous team before in the history of all my teams. And I only look at Jet ratings to see who you will pick high. On that note, I am still in shock that King Kelly and Frank Chance didn't go 2nd round.
Next, in what world will Weintraub ever face more than 5-7% lefties over the course of a season? Never. In what world does Weintraub seeing a few less AB matter? None. Weintraub is a great value, and so what if he needs to be pinch hit a bit? Simply checking "avoid lefties" makes sure he is yanked if a righty starts and a lefty comes in for relief. But that won't happen ever against your team. In games that matter your pitching sequence will be starter, Burke. If the starter is a lefty, then Weintraub takes the day off. If the starter is a righty, then Weintraub starts and stays in vs Burke. All the pitching scraps on your roster that don't matter won't matter. In any real (aka close) game the sequence is Starter to Burke. Which is great news cause that is about the only pinch hitting sequence that HAL can handle.
Why don't you tell me more about your n=1 Proof of Concept league? Let me guess, Rueter had a sub 1.00 ERA in that league, so you now consider him a perennial cy young candidate?