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PostThu Feb 22, 2018 11:27 am

I would really like to see, in the pitchers area, the ability to select for my Closer "Do not use before the 9th inning" instead of having the 8th inning as the option. It doesn't seem realistic to have the closer come in to start the 8th inning in a close game. He frequently gets tired and a poorer option ends up pitching in the 9th. Too many of my closers pitch a good 8th, but flame out in the 9th.


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Re: Closers

PostThu Feb 22, 2018 11:30 am

One way to help that, if it is your intention, is to set the Closer to Maximize.


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Re: Closers

PostMon Feb 26, 2018 9:25 pm

I always use Maximize, but it still does the same.


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Re: Closers

PostMon Feb 26, 2018 11:10 pm

don117 wrote:I always use Maximize, but it still does the same.

If you have a closer with a C6 rating, he should do just fine for two innings. However, always have a cheap second closer rated at least C3 as a backup.

I'm curious which version/season you're playing. Some don't use closer rules at all.

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