2018 Daily Game 2 1/2 Franchises League - FILLED

Our innovative Baseball Daily game- players cards change based on their real life performance

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Re: 2018 Daily Game 2 1/2 Franchises League - DRAFTING

PostSun Mar 25, 2018 8:48 pm

I'm going to stick with the vote of the guys with Daily experience and vote no to trading.


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Re: 2018 Daily Game 2 1/2 Franchises League - DRAFTING

PostSun Mar 25, 2018 9:35 pm

I'm inclined to change my vote because of the experienced guys. Their reluctance is telling.



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Re: 2018 Daily Game 2 1/2 Franchises League - DRAFTING

PostSun Mar 25, 2018 9:58 pm

Less moving parts the better especially for new concepts, so I vote no trades for this season.


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Re: 2018 Daily Game 2 1/2 Franchises League - DRAFTING

PostMon Mar 26, 2018 1:16 pm

I'm pretty neutral on trades. But since I have played quite a few seasons of the daily league thought maybe I could shed some light on injuries

So for a player like Madison Bum- I'm not sure if he will be carded to start the season. I've actually seen Strat do it both ways but my guess is that since he is on the DL he will not get a card until he actually pitches a game ( bummer) but I'm not sure.

For injuries during the year - if a guy gets put on the DL he will typically be give then 6 injury rating although sometimes there is a delay. Like if a guy is injured on a Wednesday Strat may not get his injury updated until Monday. Obviously with a 6 that player is considerably more likely to get injured in the game. Although there is quite a bit of a luck involved. Sometimes you can avoid that player missing a lot of games ( in the game ) sometimes you can't. Obviously his card remains static during his real life injury. One curious side effect of that in the base daily league game is for a certain few guys they may actually become more valuable when they get hurt in real life. For example lets say you get a guy that gets off to a scorching hot start to the season and just has an incredible card in the game and then gets hurt . Well now his card will remain the same until he start playing real life games again. So he'll have an increased chance to get hurt but on the other hand his stats won't return to the mean. In the base daily game sometimes these guys are hot commodities - but of course for this league we will get who is on our team. Of course the opposite could happen if you have a star who gets off to a real bad start and his card has turned pretty mediocre and then gets hurt in real life not only are his injury chances increased but his poor card won't get better.

For players that aren't placed on the DL but are missing games in real life due to injuries - Strat will typically get them with the 3-5 injury rating. It's not real consistent but I think its just hard for Strat to keep up will all of the players

One last thing is that if you have a guy get hurt then someone obviously covers his spot in real life. So that will happen in the game as well. So if your 1st baseman gets injured maybe another 1st baseman will get called up and you will have that new card. Or maybe a 3rd baseman moves over to 1st and now gets carded to play that position as well ( when he didn't before). So for the concept of this league where we are using stock teams you may get some relief ( in the form of either new player cards or some new positional eligibility) to make up for an injury .


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Re: 2018 Daily Game 2 1/2 Franchises League - DRAFTING

PostMon Mar 26, 2018 1:59 pm


Thanks for the info.............who do you think the Giants will call up that comes close to Der Bummer?



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Re: 2018 Daily Game 2 1/2 Franchises League - DRAFTING

PostMon Mar 26, 2018 5:12 pm

jabuending wrote:Dutch:

Thanks for the info.............who do you think the Giants will call up that comes close to Der Bummer?


Well i don't image San Fran has any player to call up the equal of Bumgartner, otherwise they would be on the opening day roster. Lol . But Ithe Daily league is a strange game - I mean it's possible that some pure reliever will end up getting a spot start due to the domino effect of missing Bumgartner and then will be able to start in the game. Often these relievers that have one start and get the stater rating often has some of the best cards ( because they have low whip/eras albeit in limited minutes).

In any case I certainly didn't mean to imply that if one of the team's star players get injured that it won't hurt or that they will easily be replaced- I'm just saying that there are some options to cover for injured guys which might not be realistic in real life.


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Re: 2018 Daily Game 2 1/2 Franchises League - DRAFTING

PostMon Mar 26, 2018 5:15 pm

dutchfarley wrote:
jabuending wrote:Dutch:

Thanks for the info.............who do you think the Giants will call up that comes close to Der Bummer?


Well i don't image San Fran has any player to call up the equal of Bumgartner, otherwise they would be on the opening day roster. Lol . But Ithe Daily league is a strange game - I mean it's possible that some pure reliever will end up getting a spot start due to the domino effect of missing Bumgartner and then will be able to start in the game. Often these relievers that have one start and get the stater rating often has some of the best cards ( because they have low whip/eras albeit in limited minutes).

In any case I certainly didn't mean to imply that if one of the team's star players get injured that it won't hurt or that they will easily be replaced- I'm just saying that there are some options to cover for injured guys which might not be realistic in real life.

Thank you, that was some great information about the daily game!

Mr Baseball World

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Re: 2018 Daily Game 2 1/2 Franchises League - DRAFTING

PostTue Mar 27, 2018 2:18 pm

I vote no on trades


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Re: 2018 Daily Game 2 1/2 Franchises League - DRAFTING

PostTue Mar 27, 2018 3:14 pm

So, where does that put us on the trade issue?


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Re: 2018 Daily Game 2 1/2 Franchises League - DRAFTING

PostTue Mar 27, 2018 3:59 pm

rynecrazy wrote:So, where does that put us on the trade issue?
rynecrazy wrote:So, where does that put us on the trade issue?

I count 6 No Votes
2 Yes Votes
1 Neutral
2 No Opinions

I think the "no trade" clause stays in, as originally stated.

Somebody agree with me and it shall be so!

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