Legacy Franchise + 26 Keeper League - 2019 Season is Coming

Our innovative Baseball Daily game- players cards change based on their real life performance

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Legacy Franchise + 26 Keeper League - 2019 Season is Coming

PostWed Apr 04, 2018 8:57 pm

Daily Game “Legacy Franchise Plus 26” Keeper League

A 12 team league using the Daily Card Set, playing two seasons per year. Season (A) begins as close to mid-April as possible and Season (B) begins mid-July.


Randomized franchise draft order, each owner chooses a legacy franchise.
This will be your team name, and you must always use your team’s current park.
You will keep your franchise for as long as you want it.
Players carded to your franchise “franchise players (FP’s)” as of the Friday before the beginning of each of our seasons belong to you for the duration of that season.

Each team will draft 26 additional players “Unaffiliated Free Agents (UFA’s)” from the remaining pool of 18 unaffiliated franchises. For our initial draft, all players selected must either be carded in Strat’s 2017 Unleashed or 2018 Daily set...no prospects.

Your 26 UFA’s belong to your team throughout our season, regardless of whether they are rostered and whether they are traded in real life. No other Free Agents will be eligible to any team...however any new player cards which come up under any of the 12 league franchises during the season(s) are immediately available to their respective teams.

Draft Order
Rounds 1 and 2 are 24 picks as follows: 12,11,10,9,8,7,12,6,11,5,10,4,9,3,8,2,7,1,6,5,4,3,2,1
Rounds 3 is 12-1, but each team takes 2 players
Rounds 4 is 1-12 and each team takes 2 players
Rounds 5–13 serpentine, two players per team each round

Legacy franchise players can never be traded.
UFA’s can be traded any time, as can draft picks.


Real Life Player Movement (applies to every season to follow):
Any player who was traded to one of the 12 legacy franchises in the intervening time period goes to that franchise; no compensation is provided.

Any player traded from a legacy franchise to an unaffiliated franchise can be retained by that team as an unaffiliated keeper prior to season B (see immediately below). If not so claimed, that player will become a free agent for the next FA claiming draft.

16 Keepers Per Team
Each team will claim 16 keepers from their 26 UFA’s. The rest go back into the FA pool. We will then have a FA claiming draft, each round is 12-1 by regular season record. Rounds 1 and 2 are one player per team. Rounds 3-6 are 2 players per team.

In order to be eligible for the draft, a player must EITHER (a) have a card in the current year Daily game card set at the time of the draft OR (b) be carded in a previous Strat 365 unleashed season set. No prospects.. This will be the rule in every mid-year draft to follow.

We Move Progressively Through The Steps Below

Any owner who compiled a losing record across both seasons the previous year has the option of selecting a new legacy franchise (from the 18 unaffiliated). Order of exercising the option is reverse order of aggregate W/L record from previous season.

Effect on Unaffiliated Keepers
If a new legacy franchise is selected, all unaffiliated keepers which belong to the new legacy franchise go to that franchise. However, this time there will be compensation. For every player lost, an owner can claim a player of their choosing from the previous legacy franchise of the owner who made the change. At that time, we’ll look at the salary values in the previous season Strat card-set to determine priority - the higher the salary of the player you lose, the higher your priority for choosing your replacement player.

Example: Joe has the Angels. Joe has a bad year. Then in the offseason, the Angels make a couple roster moves which discourage Joe even more. He decides to dump the Angels for the San Diego Padres, who no one had previously chosen. Any Padres players which happen to be owned by any of the 12 teams in the league are now going to belong to Joe. But, every player who loses a Padre is going to pick up an Angel.

In order to be eligible for selection in a LEGACY RELIEF draft, a player must be carded in the previous season Strat Unleashed set.


Teams are ranked all by previous year W/L (across both seasons)

Teams 1-2 Claim 6 Keepers
Teams 3-4 Claim 7 Keepers
Teams 5-6 Claim 8 Keepers
Teams 7-8 Claim 9 Keepers
Teams 9-10 Claim 10 Keepers
Teams 11-12 Claim 12 Keepers

Then, we have a one-round FA claiming draft, from all unprotected unaffiliated players, from 12-1. Once a team loses a player, no other team can take a player from that team. Every team will lose one player and gain another.



12 Keepers Per Team
Each team will claim 12 keepers from their 26 UFA’s. The rest go back into the FA pool. We will then have a FA claiming draft, round one draft order is 12-1 by previous year regular season record, serpentine thereafter. Rounds 1 and 2 are one player per team. Rounds 3-8 are 2 players per team.

Players do not need to be carded to be chosen in the 2nd spring draft, and every spring draft thereafter...prospects are eligible.

Final Notes: We will run the league at a sufficiently high cap to allow teams to roster all their players, and make as many changes as they desire, probably $150MM. HOWEVER, if a player is added to your roster in-season, he must stay on the roster for at least 3 nights (9 games). If a player is demoted, he must stay off the roster at least 3 nights (9 games).

Season A will always be DH. Season A champion will have sole discretion on DH rule in Season B.

Sign Ups:

1. ggyuppie
2. rynecrazy
3. drtripleb
4. jabuending
5. cwitkowski
6. dutchfarley
7. mrbaseballworld
8. mikewendell
9. ryaneasley (provisional)
Last edited by ggyuppie on Sat Jul 13, 2019 3:41 am, edited 25 times in total.


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Re: New Keeper League Starting (Using the Daily Game)

PostThu Apr 05, 2018 12:14 am


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New Keeper League Starting (Using the Daily Game)
PostWed Apr 04, 2018 7:57 pm

Daily Game “Legacy Franchise Plus 26” Keeper League

A 12 team league using the Daily Card Set, playing two seasons per year. Season (A) begins as close to mid-April as possible and Season (B) begins mid-July. If you like the idea of managing a team through multiple seasons/years, tracking the success of a favorite franchise and scouting for additional talent from a large free agent pool, this league could be for you.


Randomized franchise draft order, each owner chooses a legacy franchise.
This will be your team name, and you must always use your team’s current park.
You will keep your franchise for as long as you want it.
Players carded to your franchise “franchise players (FP’s)” as of the Friday before the beginning of each of our seasons belong to you for the duration of that season.

Each team will draft 26 additional players “Unaffiliated Free Agents (UFA’s)” from the remaining pool of 18 unaffiliated franchises. For our initial draft, all players selected must either be carded in Strat’s 2017 Unleashed or 2018 Daily set...no prospects.

Your 26 UFA’s belong to your team throughout our season, regardless of whether they are rostered and whether they are traded in real life. No other Free Agents will be eligible to any team...however any new player cards which come up under any of the 12 league franchises during the season(s) are immediately available to their respective teams.

Draft Order
Rounds 1 and 2 are 24 picks as follows: 12,11,10,9,8,7,12,6,11,5,10,4,9,3,8,2,7,1,6,5,4,3,2,1
Rounds 3 is 12-1, but each team takes 2 players
Rounds 4 is 1-12 and each team takes 2 players
Rounds 5–14 serpentine, two players per team each round

Legacy franchise players can never be traded.
UFA’s can be traded any time, as can draft picks.


Real Life Player Movement (applies to every season to follow):
Any player who was traded to one of the 12 legacy franchises in the intervening time period goes to that franchise; no compensation is provided.

Any player traded from a legacy franchise to an unaffiliated franchise can be retained by that team as an unaffiliated keeper prior to season B (see immediately below). If not so claimed, that player will become a free agent for the next FA claiming draft.

16 Keepers Per Team
Each team will claim 16 keepers from their 26 UFA’s. The rest go back into the FA pool. We will then have a FA claiming draft, each round is 12-1 by regular season record. Rounds 1 and 2 are one player per team. Rounds 3-6 are 2 players per team.

In order to be eligible for the draft, a player must have a card in the current year Daily game card set at the time of the draft. No prospects. This will be the rule in every mid-year draft to follow.

We Move Progressively Through The Steps Below

Any owner who compiled a losing record across both seasons the previous year has the option of selecting a new legacy franchise (from the 18 unaffiliated). Order of exercising the option is reverse order of aggregate W/L record from previous season.

Effect on Unaffiliated Keepers
If a new legacy franchise is selected, all unaffiliated keepers which belong to the new legacy franchise go to that franchise. However, this time there will be compensation. For every player lost, an owner can claim a player of their choosing from the previous legacy franchise of the owner who made the change. At that time, we’ll look at the salary values in the previous season Strat card-set to determine priority - the higher the salary of the player you lose, the higher your priority for choosing your replacement player.

Example: Joe has the Angels. Joe has a bad year. Then in the offseason, the Angels make a couple roster moves which discourage Joe even more. He decides to dump the Angels for the San Diego Padres, who no one had previously chosen. Any Padres players which happen to be owned by any of the 12 teams in the league are now going to belong to Joe. But, every player who loses a Padre is going to pick up an Angel.


Teams are ranked all by previous year W/L (across both seasons)

Teams 1-2 Claim 6 Keepers
Teams 3-4 Claim 7 Keepers
Teams 5-6 Claim 8 Keepers
Teams 7-8 Claim 9 Keepers
Teams 9-10 Claim 10 Keepers
Teams 11-12 Claim 12 Keepers

Then, we have a one-round FA claiming draft, from all unprotected unaffiliated players, from 12-1. Once a team loses a player, no other team can take a player from that team. Every team will lose one player and gain another.


12 Keepers Per Team
Each team will claim 12 keepers from their 26 UFA’s. The rest go back into the FA pool. We will then have a FA claiming draft, each round is 12-1 by previous year regular season record. Rounds 1 and 2 are one player per team. Rounds 3-8 are 2 players per team.

Players do not need to be carded to be chosen in the 2nd spring draft, and every spring draft thereafter...prospects are eligible.

A Final Note: We will run the league at a sufficiently high cap to allow teams to roster all their players, and make as many changes as they desire. HOWEVER, if a player is added to your roster in-season, he must stay on the roster for at least 3 nights (9 games). If a player is demoted, he must stay off the roster at least 3 nights (9 games).

Sign Ups:

1. ggyuppie
2. rynecrazy
3. drtripleb
4. jabuending
5. cwitkowski
6. dutchfarley
7. mrbaseballworld
8. mikewendell
9. ryaneasley (provisional)


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Re: New Keeper League Starting (Using the Daily Game)

PostThu Apr 05, 2018 12:16 am


Posts: 267
Joined: Fri Jun 30, 2017 1:33 am
New Keeper League Starting (Using the Daily Game)
PostWed Apr 04, 2018 7:57 pm

Daily Game “Legacy Franchise Plus 26” Keeper League

A 12 team league using the Daily Card Set, playing two seasons per year. Season (A) begins as close to mid-April as possible and Season (B) begins mid-July. If you like the idea of managing a team through multiple seasons/years, tracking the success of a favorite franchise and scouting for additional talent from a large free agent pool, this league could be for you.


Randomized franchise draft order, each owner chooses a legacy franchise.
This will be your team name, and you must always use your team’s current park.
You will keep your franchise for as long as you want it.
Players carded to your franchise “franchise players (FP’s)” as of the Friday before the beginning of each of our seasons belong to you for the duration of that season.

Each team will draft 26 additional players “Unaffiliated Free Agents (UFA’s)” from the remaining pool of 18 unaffiliated franchises. For our initial draft, all players selected must either be carded in Strat’s 2017 Unleashed or 2018 Daily set...no prospects.

Your 26 UFA’s belong to your team throughout our season, regardless of whether they are rostered and whether they are traded in real life. No other Free Agents will be eligible to any team...however any new player cards which come up under any of the 12 league franchises during the season(s) are immediately available to their respective teams.

Draft Order
Rounds 1 and 2 are 24 picks as follows: 12,11,10,9,8,7,12,6,11,5,10,4,9,3,8,2,7,1,6,5,4,3,2,1
Rounds 3 is 12-1, but each team takes 2 players
Rounds 4 is 1-12 and each team takes 2 players
Rounds 5–14 serpentine, two players per team each round

Legacy franchise players can never be traded.
UFA’s can be traded any time, as can draft picks.


Real Life Player Movement (applies to every season to follow):
Any player who was traded to one of the 12 legacy franchises in the intervening time period goes to that franchise; no compensation is provided.

Any player traded from a legacy franchise to an unaffiliated franchise can be retained by that team as an unaffiliated keeper prior to season B (see immediately below). If not so claimed, that player will become a free agent for the next FA claiming draft.

16 Keepers Per Team
Each team will claim 16 keepers from their 26 UFA’s. The rest go back into the FA pool. We will then have a FA claiming draft, each round is 12-1 by regular season record. Rounds 1 and 2 are one player per team. Rounds 3-6 are 2 players per team.

In order to be eligible for the draft, a player must have a card in the current year Daily game card set at the time of the draft. No prospects. This will be the rule in every mid-year draft to follow.

We Move Progressively Through The Steps Below

Any owner who compiled a losing record across both seasons the previous year has the option of selecting a new legacy franchise (from the 18 unaffiliated). Order of exercising the option is reverse order of aggregate W/L record from previous season.

Effect on Unaffiliated Keepers
If a new legacy franchise is selected, all unaffiliated keepers which belong to the new legacy franchise go to that franchise. However, this time there will be compensation. For every player lost, an owner can claim a player of their choosing from the previous legacy franchise of the owner who made the change. At that time, we’ll look at the salary values in the previous season Strat card-set to determine priority - the higher the salary of the player you lose, the higher your priority for choosing your replacement player.

Example: Joe has the Angels. Joe has a bad year. Then in the offseason, the Angels make a couple roster moves which discourage Joe even more. He decides to dump the Angels for the San Diego Padres, who no one had previously chosen. Any Padres players which happen to be owned by any of the 12 teams in the league are now going to belong to Joe. But, every player who loses a Padre is going to pick up an Angel.


Teams are ranked all by previous year W/L (across both seasons)

Teams 1-2 Claim 6 Keepers
Teams 3-4 Claim 7 Keepers
Teams 5-6 Claim 8 Keepers
Teams 7-8 Claim 9 Keepers
Teams 9-10 Claim 10 Keepers
Teams 11-12 Claim 12 Keepers

Then, we have a one-round FA claiming draft, from all unprotected unaffiliated players, from 12-1. Once a team loses a player, no other team can take a player from that team. Every team will lose one player and gain another.


12 Keepers Per Team
Each team will claim 12 keepers from their 26 UFA’s. The rest go back into the FA pool. We will then have a FA claiming draft, each round is 12-1 by previous year regular season record. Rounds 1 and 2 are one player per team. Rounds 3-8 are 2 players per team.

Players do not need to be carded to be chosen in the 2nd spring draft, and every spring draft thereafter...prospects are eligible.

A Final Note: We will run the league at a sufficiently high cap to allow teams to roster all their players, and make as many changes as they desire. HOWEVER, if a player is added to your roster in-season, he must stay on the roster for at least 3 nights (9 games). If a player is demoted, he must stay off the roster at least 3 nights (9 games).

Sign Ups:

1. ggyuppie
2. rynecrazy
3. drtripleb
4. jabuending
5. cwitkowski
6. dutchfarley
7. mrbaseballworld
8. mikewendell
9. ryaneasley (provisional)


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Re: New Keeper League Starting (Using the Daily Game)

PostSat Apr 07, 2018 10:12 pm

sorry for delay but took me that long to read the rules :)
killermarc wrote:ggyuppie

Posts: 267
Joined: Fri Jun 30, 2017 1:33 am
New Keeper League Starting (Using the Daily Game)
PostWed Apr 04, 2018 7:57 pm

Daily Game “Legacy Franchise Plus 26” Keeper League

A 12 team league using the Daily Card Set, playing two seasons per year. Season (A) begins as close to mid-April as possible and Season (B) begins mid-July. If you like the idea of managing a team through multiple seasons/years, tracking the success of a favorite franchise and scouting for additional talent from a large free agent pool, this league could be for you.


Randomized franchise draft order, each owner chooses a legacy franchise.
This will be your team name, and you must always use your team’s current park.
You will keep your franchise for as long as you want it.
Players carded to your franchise “franchise players (FP’s)” as of the Friday before the beginning of each of our seasons belong to you for the duration of that season.

Each team will draft 26 additional players “Unaffiliated Free Agents (UFA’s)” from the remaining pool of 18 unaffiliated franchises. For our initial draft, all players selected must either be carded in Strat’s 2017 Unleashed or 2018 Daily set...no prospects.

Your 26 UFA’s belong to your team throughout our season, regardless of whether they are rostered and whether they are traded in real life. No other Free Agents will be eligible to any team...however any new player cards which come up under any of the 12 league franchises during the season(s) are immediately available to their respective teams.

Draft Order
Rounds 1 and 2 are 24 picks as follows: 12,11,10,9,8,7,12,6,11,5,10,4,9,3,8,2,7,1,6,5,4,3,2,1
Rounds 3 is 12-1, but each team takes 2 players
Rounds 4 is 1-12 and each team takes 2 players
Rounds 5–14 serpentine, two players per team each round

Legacy franchise players can never be traded.
UFA’s can be traded any time, as can draft picks.


Real Life Player Movement (applies to every season to follow):
Any player who was traded to one of the 12 legacy franchises in the intervening time period goes to that franchise; no compensation is provided.

Any player traded from a legacy franchise to an unaffiliated franchise can be retained by that team as an unaffiliated keeper prior to season B (see immediately below). If not so claimed, that player will become a free agent for the next FA claiming draft.

16 Keepers Per Team
Each team will claim 16 keepers from their 26 UFA’s. The rest go back into the FA pool. We will then have a FA claiming draft, each round is 12-1 by regular season record. Rounds 1 and 2 are one player per team. Rounds 3-6 are 2 players per team.

In order to be eligible for the draft, a player must have a card in the current year Daily game card set at the time of the draft. No prospects. This will be the rule in every mid-year draft to follow.

We Move Progressively Through The Steps Below

Any owner who compiled a losing record across both seasons the previous year has the option of selecting a new legacy franchise (from the 18 unaffiliated). Order of exercising the option is reverse order of aggregate W/L record from previous season.

Effect on Unaffiliated Keepers
If a new legacy franchise is selected, all unaffiliated keepers which belong to the new legacy franchise go to that franchise. However, this time there will be compensation. For every player lost, an owner can claim a player of their choosing from the previous legacy franchise of the owner who made the change. At that time, we’ll look at the salary values in the previous season Strat card-set to determine priority - the higher the salary of the player you lose, the higher your priority for choosing your replacement player.

Example: Joe has the Angels. Joe has a bad year. Then in the offseason, the Angels make a couple roster moves which discourage Joe even more. He decides to dump the Angels for the San Diego Padres, who no one had previously chosen. Any Padres players which happen to be owned by any of the 12 teams in the league are now going to belong to Joe. But, every player who loses a Padre is going to pick up an Angel.


Teams are ranked all by previous year W/L (across both seasons)

Teams 1-2 Claim 6 Keepers
Teams 3-4 Claim 7 Keepers
Teams 5-6 Claim 8 Keepers
Teams 7-8 Claim 9 Keepers
Teams 9-10 Claim 10 Keepers
Teams 11-12 Claim 12 Keepers

Then, we have a one-round FA claiming draft, from all unprotected unaffiliated players, from 12-1. Once a team loses a player, no other team can take a player from that team. Every team will lose one player and gain another.


12 Keepers Per Team
Each team will claim 12 keepers from their 26 UFA’s. The rest go back into the FA pool. We will then have a FA claiming draft, each round is 12-1 by previous year regular season record. Rounds 1 and 2 are one player per team. Rounds 3-8 are 2 players per team.

Players do not need to be carded to be chosen in the 2nd spring draft, and every spring draft thereafter...prospects are eligible.

A Final Note: We will run the league at a sufficiently high cap to allow teams to roster all their players, and make as many changes as they desire. HOWEVER, if a player is added to your roster in-season, he must stay on the roster for at least 3 nights (9 games). If a player is demoted, he must stay off the roster at least 3 nights (9 games).

Sign Ups:

1. ggyuppie
2. rynecrazy
3. drtripleb
4. jabuending
5. cwitkowski
6. dutchfarley
7. mrbaseballworld
8. mikewendell
9. ryaneasley (provisional)
Jay M. Commissioner of The Original Staten Island roto league


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Re: New Keeper League Starting (Using the Daily Game)

PostSun Apr 08, 2018 2:55 am

The Complexity of Thought Process is astonishing!!!

Glenn, you NEVER cease to amaze me. I am so jacked about the prospects (no pun intended) of this league going forward that I might quit my job. Oh wait, I'm retired...........THANX for putting this together.

Let's get a randomizer and LET IT ROLL!!!



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Re: New Keeper League Starting (Using the Daily Game)

PostSun Apr 08, 2018 12:23 pm

Thanks, Jeff.

I’ll request randomizer. # string will point to our numbers on the signup list, meaning if 4 is the first # in the string, you’ll pick first.

Side note: Ryan (#9) is a buddy of mine who has never played Strat. He’s a huge fan of fantasy sports though. Picture an expert waterskier who decides to try snow skiing. As his friend(?) I take him directly to the top of the hairiest mountain and push him off a double black diamond run!


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Re: New Keeper League Starting (Using the Daily Game)

PostSun Apr 08, 2018 12:48 pm

That sure seems fair to me!


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Re: New Keeper League Starting (Using the Daily Game)

PostSun Apr 08, 2018 4:59 pm

He’ll love it. And like the rest of us, he will be addicted! Good luck Ryan



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Re: New Keeper League Starting (Using the Daily Game)

PostSun Apr 08, 2018 5:54 pm

ggyuppie wrote:Thanks, Jeff.

I’ll request randomizer. # string will point to our numbers on the signup list, meaning if 4 is the first # in the string, you’ll pick first.

Side note: Ryan (#9) is a buddy of mine who has never played Strat. He’s a huge fan of fantasy sports though. Picture an expert waterskier who decides to try snow skiing. As his friend(?) I take him directly to the top of the hairiest mountain and push him off a double black diamond run!

Nothing like learning to swim in the deep end. When he gets involved, I am sure we will have another convert. Another "Strat Head", joins the group. Sounds, good!


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Re: New Keeper League Starting (Using the Daily Game)

PostSun Apr 08, 2018 6:56 pm

weird no one responding in 6 hours to your randomizer request in ATG thread....
Jay M. Commissioner of The Original Staten Island roto league

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