RP over use

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RP over use

PostThu May 03, 2018 1:12 am

If I've assigned too many roles for Andrew Miller such that he has 171 innings pitched after 156 games (six left to play), will that harm his effectiveness and 'rested' status for the last six games of the regular season?

It seems like his effectiveness fell off sharply something like 20 games ago. I took him out of all his roles six games ago after getting hit hard when he came in at F0 for the first batter he faced. With no assigned roles, HAL hasn't brought him in since (5 games). I don't have another reliever anywhere near as good as Miller. But, I also haven't had a textbook situation for him, either.

My questions are:

Will his effectiveness be reduced for the rest of the regular season whether he's used or not?

Will HAL avoid using him no matter how long it's been since he last pitched if he isn't assigned any roles?

If the above answers are yes, will this reset for the playoffs or is he shot for those games, too?

Thank you!



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Re: RP over use

PostThu May 03, 2018 1:54 am

From a RP fatigue discussion in the General Strategy section:


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Re: RP Fatigue

A new series does not reset reliever fatigue. The only time you have rest days are just before and during the playoffs, and those days are clearly marked on the schedule. There are no rest days during the regular season, and game 3 (and sometimes game 2) of one series affects game 1 of the next series.

Remember, if a pitcher pitches two consecutive games, he will be fatigued if he pitches in a third. (Exception: if he pitches less than a full inning in one of those two previous games.) So Arroyo almost certainly pitched in game 44 as well as game 45. He was able to pitch in game 48 unfatigued because he didn't pitch in game 47.

If a pitcher enters a game at F9, he is considered completely fresh. So, previous pitch counts won't make him get fatigued faster.

I don't know what the pitch count cutoff is where a pitcher needs more than one day of rest to become rested (which Gullet exceeded and was thus fatigued in game 46). Perhaps someone can enlighten us.

(Based on my interpretation of the above, the answers to your two questions are No and No).


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Re: RP over use

PostFri May 04, 2018 2:00 am

Only one day of rest is needed for a reliever to be reset to full rest.

There are two days rest before the playoffs, and at least one game of rest if you make the finals--more if the 1st series does not go 7 games.

Setting a stud reliever for a bunch of rolls is not uncommon--In fact it helps often.

Always set you stud relievers as "Do not use in a blowout" to help avoid them coming into a game tired, but somtimes there just is no rested pitchers. More common to have tired bullpens in noDH leagues due to PH for pitchers.


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Re: RP over use

PostFri May 04, 2018 11:36 am

Thank you!

I have a related post over in All Time Greats asking about HAL's default decision making when no roles are specified. It is near the top. Do you mind commenting on that one?


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