Turning out the lights

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Turning out the lights

PostSat Aug 25, 2012 1:59 am

Came on here to say my goodbyes to the few stalwarts that are hanging on and hoping for the second coming. It was a good ride but I am done. I haven't been checking the few teams that I have going and have become the dreaded absentee manager everyone hates. I do have two dream leagues that I will honor and finish with my remaining credits but will not be joining any of the random leagues and will not purchase anymore credits.

Moose, if you read this my apologies but I am done with Barnstormers. It probably should have been shutdown anyways until the product was perfected....Barnstormers probably accounted for 75% of their income the past several months. Would have been interesting to see their response times if that meal ticket was put on hold.

Anyways, good luck to all.....made a few friends and you're a good group of guys with the exception of that troublemaker Salt. ;)


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Re: Turning out the lights

PostSat Aug 25, 2012 11:00 am

Id say im sad to see you go-
but so many friends arent really playing anymore- and already have basically left except for a private league here and there.
Oakath was another one of the good ones for me.

GL- and hope the fam is well.



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Re: Turning out the lights

PostSat Aug 25, 2012 11:12 am

I'll be joining you in the retirement home ;) when my credits run out. Basically I'll be doing one of the dream leagues you mentioned, until it finishes. It's been fun playing in the leagues with you. GL in your future endeavors, and all that.

SOM is not getting anymore of my money, since they are clearly not interested in their customer base enough to engage in a respectful dialogue. There are other companies with which I refuse to business, because of their business practices, and SOM has just joined that list. It actually is a pretty easy thing to give up, since strat is completely discretionary as a customer. It is not like deciding where to buy meat products. I don't need to buy strat. Maybe SOM doesn't understand that point about their customers. Mostly I feel sad about it, because there is such a great potential in this community and in the game.


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Re: Turning out the lights

PostSat Aug 25, 2012 11:20 am

I wonder how long the avg league is going to take to fill? Already not much action imagine when.everyone's credits run out


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Re: Turning out the lights

PostSat Aug 25, 2012 2:28 pm

Sorry to see you go ... but hey, what's with the absentee manager stuff? You've got a nice trade offer waiting for you in the Deadball League. Please go get it!


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Re: Turning out the lights

PostSun Aug 26, 2012 2:59 am

Having devoted as much time and money as many of you who are veterans in the online SOM game surely have, it is plain to see why you feel such a vested interest in this product and possibly feel some sense of betrayal from SOM management. Obviously the game would have been better served by SOM if they incorporated the valuable insight the veterans volunteered to offer in the transition process. Apparently management feels like they could do a better job by keeping the work in house. I think they feel that way due to their method for conducting business for many years with the card and windows versions of the game. Those two versions of the game are great but the player/customer interaction with them was very limited and moved at a much slower pace. It seems that their plan with the online game is to basically do business as usual and do things the way they successfully have for many years. However, I think that the immediacy of the interaction of the internet inherent with the online game and the issues that arise may be somewhat uncharted waters for the company. People now are accustomed to quicker exchanges and updates on most things and – given that when TSN hosted the site there was a lot more exchange of information (good and bad) with Bernie – SOM has taken a step back and taken that option away from us. Their successful tried and true plan seems to need a little tweaking. As mentioned a few times by others previously, either having someone from SOM (maybe Bernie?) contribute to forum discussions or maybe having a live chat for a couple hours a week with a representative from the company would go along way to help the long term growth of this game that we all enjoy.

Hopefully management will also ease up on the censorship issue. I’m not sure that they fully understand that many of the postings in question come from those who also happen to be most passionate about the game. Sadly the rejection and alienation felt by those in question has caused the – dare I say – love they have felt for the game to turn into something less. I certainly understand their reasons for protesting things and I applaud their conviction, I just hope things get better before too many bridges are burned in the process on both sides.

Unfortunately I didn’t discover the online SOM game until a few years ago but in the time I have played I have been fortunate enough to play in leagues with many of the currently disgruntled vets. Playing with them has generally been a good experience as they are usually fair in trade offers and very helpful to newcomers – I just wish I didn’t get my ass handed to me so many times by them. Their contributions to the forums also were generally helpful and interesting. It’s only my opinion but having the opportunity to play and interact with those guys helped to further sell me on playing the game to the point that I have recently committed myself to two 12 season leagues – I hope I won’t regret making such a financial commitment to SOM.

I am grateful to SOM that they are hosting the online game and I do wish them a lot of success with it but I sincerely hope the climate somehow changes for the better so that we don’t lose the respected sage veteran managers. The game won’t be the same without them.


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Re: Turning out the lights

PostSun Aug 26, 2012 7:48 am

You'll be missed around here. Well, partly, I won't necessarily miss your Vegas Implants teams consistently kicking my ass around the field. ;)

Thanks for all of the help and advice that you offered up. It was a good time playing with you. And I hope to still see you slumming around here from time to time.

Peace out, MoFo.


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Re: Turning out the lights

PostSun Aug 26, 2012 1:22 pm

Great post, Frank. I hope SOM reads it.


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Re: Turning out the lights

PostSun Aug 26, 2012 1:31 pm

tomwistar wrote:Great post, Frank. I hope SOM reads it.

ditto on the post frank. Nice summary and comment. Thanks.


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Re: Turning out the lights

PostSun Aug 26, 2012 8:18 pm

This game is as fun as it ever was to me. It might be a good thing to let some of the unhappy managers move on to other things. This could lead to a more positive experience for the rest of us. The glass if half full to me. 8-) Batter UP!!!!!!!!!!!

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