Ohtani idea

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Ohtani idea

PostSat Jun 09, 2018 1:58 pm

For what it's worth, I sent the following message to the game company:

Good morning!

I’ve been a SOM player since 1963. You guys are great, your game is great.

My business background is on the organizational side of tech startups in Seattle, so I understand both the marketing/publicity angle and the technical angle.

I want to offer a suggestion that I hope is helpful. A solution will be well received by the game player community, and the news of a special solution will create press coverage and other marketing opportunities.

For your cards-and-dice game, it is not really a problem. Two cards for Ohtani. When he pitches use his pitching card, when he hits use his hitting card (instead of one of the various pitchers’ hitting cards).

For the computer game, you currently already have ways to distinguish between better hitting pitchers and weaker hitting pitchers. So, from the point of view of Ohtani’s pitching card, it is just a matter of creating an additional option for Ohtani. This could be #9NL, with N for power, L for lefty, and #9 for a card that exactly matches Ohtani’s season hitting statistics.

If Ohtani is the only dual-option player, that #9 could change each year as his stats changed.

For the computer game, you currently have a default “hitter’s pitching card,” a generic pitching card in case a position player comes in the game because a team has used up all its pitchers.

Just as the original cards-and-dice game had only one pitcher’s hitting card, there is currently only one “hitter’s pitching card” option in the computer game.

So, just as additional pitcher’s hitting cards were added for variation, a second “hitter’s pitching card” could be created. In the computer game, every player other than Ohtani would use “hitter’s pitching card #1,” while Ohtani would use “hitter’s pitching card #2” (which would exactly match Ohtani’s season pitching statistics).

The next piece of the puzzle is the computer game’s accurate reporting of statistics. Currently, all pitcher’ hitting is compiled into one entry, and all hitters’ pitching is compiled into one entry. For pitchers’ hitting options #1 thru #8, that makes sense. But with the creation of #9NL for Ohtani, the computer game could be programmed to list two pitcher’s hitting stat lines in the team stats reports, one for #1 thru #8, and the other for #9 (Ohtani). This could be programmed to read “Ohtani” in hitting section of the team stats report.

And with the creation of “hitter’s pitching card #2” for Ohtani, the computer game could be programmed to list two hitter’s pitching lines in the team stats reports, one for the current default, and the other for “hitter’s pitching card #2” (Ohtani). This could be programmed to read “Ohtani” in pitching section of the team stats report.

The final piece of the puzzle could be a programming step, or a manual step by the game player: adding Ohtani’s DH batting stats to his pitcher’s batting stats (if any), and adding Ohtani’s regular pitching stats to his position player’s pitching stats (if any).

I hope this is helpful.

All the best,
Steve Beren – One Spark Marke


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Re: Ohtani idea

PostSun Jun 10, 2018 5:43 am

Very creative idea Steve. Thanks for sharing with us and with SOM.


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Re: Ohtani idea

PostSun Jun 10, 2018 8:43 am

You are very welcomr, LMBombers.

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