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PostSun Jun 17, 2018 4:53 pm


PostSun Jun 17, 2018 3:13 pm
After reviewing the extended discussion in the league chat -- and the playoff-style weights used in some other leagues -- I propose a tiered system in the following amendment to the rules:

Effective with the draft for the 2012 card set, draft order is determined by the previous regular season win/loss records and playoff records, as follows:
- The 8 teams with the worst W/L records will have the first 8 picks in the draft, with the sequence determined by a straight lottery; a random number generator, such as that at http://www.draftpicklottery.com/, will be used to determine the order of the first 8 picks
- The draft sequence for the next 8 teams will be in reverse order, worst-record first, NFL style*
- The draft sequence for the 8 teams in the playoffs will be determined by their playoff results, with those eliminated in the quarter-finals* followed by those eliminated in the semi-finals*, followed by the league runner-up at #23 and the champion at #24

* Ties between teams will be handled as in the League Setup rules

Since "all rule changes must pass by a super majority of 16 owners or more", it will take 16 YES votes to pass this measure. Shall the amendment be approved?

1. tcochran --- yes
2. buzz --- yes
3. Paul_Long -- yes
4. Jerm12 ---Yes
5. willmurr24 --- no
6. FALCON -- Yes
8. Black Knights-Yes
9. Terry101- Yes


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PostSun Jun 17, 2018 4:54 pm

Jerm12 wrote:I also do not feel there is a need for the commish or league to monitor or to punish owners at this level, however being as it is against SOM's fair play rules for future years I will likely report any owners taking obvious efforts to tank a season by not playing their best players in order to improve their draft pick to SOM and allowing them to handle the situation as them seem fit. I say this because I do, as does SOM, 100% see this as cheating.

Feel the same

paul j kiggins

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PostSun Jun 17, 2018 5:20 pm

I also do not feel there is a need for the commish or league to monitor or to punish owners at this level, however being as it is against SOM's fair play rules for future years I will likely report any owners taking obvious efforts to tank a season by not playing their best players in order to improve their draft pick to SOM and allowing them to handle the situation as them seem fit. I say this because I do, as does SOM, 100% see this as cheating.

Earl Weaver Sr.


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PostSun Jun 17, 2018 7:23 pm

Well Jerm12 I wish you had been here from the start to call out this behavior. For at least the 2008 and 09 seasons and following drafts the tanking was obvious. Wilmurr drafted Virgil Vasquez in 09 and Terry was going to veto it. The only 2 managers to comment (DrPublix and paul j kiggins) both argued that he should be able build his team as he saw fit even if it meant drafting worthless players and the pick was allowed. Terry even joked that at least with Wilmurr going for 1st overall pick he would win more since they were in the same division. In the last draft, thechamp selected Charlie Haeger and I needled him about what would be larger -- Haeger's IP or Votto's PA. Again no objections. So I thought that this was acceptable and decided to try to rebuild a team that had reached its peak from scratch and traded my 3 best players for future picks. The not playing my best players was only in response to what already had been tolerated. I've played this game for 40 years and never did anything even remotely close to cheating till now so apologies for my role in it. Maybe I should have raised the objections myself and I wouldn't be in this mess but this is my first keeper league so lesson learned I guess. As far as the proposal goes, the one thing I asked for was a small number of teams to be eligible for the lottery if it was going to be a simple non weighted draw, around 4-6 maybe so that the teams that most needed the help would get it
and would be guaranteed a top player. Big difference between 1st and 8th pick in most of the draft years. But I guess that's not happening. Sorry for the length of the post and I'll vote yes if this is the only option and turn my 3 year plan into a make the playoffs at some future date plan. May the RNG gods be with me!


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PostSun Jun 17, 2018 7:25 pm


PostSun Jun 17, 2018 3:13 pm
After reviewing the extended discussion in the league chat -- and the playoff-style weights used in some other leagues -- I propose a tiered system in the following amendment to the rules:

Effective with the draft for the 2012 card set, draft order is determined by the previous regular season win/loss records and playoff records, as follows:
- The 8 teams with the worst W/L records will have the first 8 picks in the draft, with the sequence determined by a straight lottery; a random number generator, such as that at http://www.draftpicklottery.com/, will be used to determine the order of the first 8 picks
- The draft sequence for the next 8 teams will be in reverse order, worst-record first, NFL style*
- The draft sequence for the 8 teams in the playoffs will be determined by their playoff results, with those eliminated in the quarter-finals* followed by those eliminated in the semi-finals*, followed by the league runner-up at #23 and the champion at #24

* Ties between teams will be handled as in the League Setup rules

Since "all rule changes must pass by a super majority of 16 owners or more", it will take 16 YES votes to pass this measure. Shall the amendment be approved?

1. tcochran --- yes
2. buzz --- yes
3. Paul_Long -- yes
4. Jerm12 ---Yes
5. willmurr24 --- no
6. FALCON -- Yes
8. Black Knights-Yes
9. Terry101- Yes
10. oldmansmith2 - Yes


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PostSun Jun 17, 2018 8:24 pm

Randy and all, I am not against building your roster as you seem fit. That was clearly stated as being allowed in this leagues rules when I joined and I think it makes the league interesting. I am just dumbfounded that people would intentionally tank their games, even if they don't have a competitive team.


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PostSun Jun 17, 2018 9:34 pm

The two draft picks that I referred to were players that were terrible that year and with no future value. They were picked for one reason, to help make the team as bad as possible. I did the same thing this year with some of my picks. If we're going to stop tanking for higher draft picks, then this needs to stop as well. Terry's instinct was to disallow this type of pick and it's my understanding that a lot of keeper leagues enforce this. You might think that going to a lottery system would discourage it, but it's just going to make it tempting for teams in the middle of the pack to do it to get a shot at #1 pick. We were asked for suggestions so I'm proposing that we no longer allow this either. It's just another way of tanking to get an artificially high pick. I know we're in the middle of a vote so maybe after it is over I would appreciate Terry's or anyone else's thoughts on this.


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PostSun Jun 17, 2018 9:39 pm

The Law of Unintended Consequences may rear it's inevitable head with the passing of this rule. Take year 2012 two future Hall of Famers Harper and Machado. It is a far reach to tank your way to the two worst records . Some would try ,I would .Others would be dissuaded by the odds and play to win the max. But ,if one could get a chance at Manny or Bryce by finishing in the bottom eight and not look so evil while doing it many more may take the chance .Maybe half the league or twelve teams would try , at least a little bit, to finish bottom eight for a chance at the first or second pick. Such is human nature. Such is the danger of legislating morality , especially in an online game


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PostSun Jun 17, 2018 9:59 pm

I thought we were judging our "keeper league" selves on total wins and losses over several seasons. I know half the fun is building your team but it is really hard to recover from 120 losses.


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PostSun Jun 17, 2018 10:44 pm

willmurr24 wrote:The Law of Unintended Consequences may rear it's inevitable head with the passing of this rule. Take year 2012 two future Hall of Famers Harper and Machado. It is a far reach to tank your way to the two worst records . Some would try ,I would .Others would be dissuaded by the odds and play to win the max. But ,if one could get a chance at Manny or Bryce by finishing in the bottom eight and not look so evil while doing it many more may take the chance .Maybe half the league or twelve teams would try , at least a little bit, to finish bottom eight for a chance at the first or second pick. Such is human nature. Such is the danger of legislating morality , especially in an online game

So you are saying it is human nature to cheat?

I am human and I try to avoiding cheating at anything if at all possible.

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