I have posted available players lists in alphabetical order on the Available Hitters and Available Pitchers tabs of the Googledoc:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yQgX98fW6kZdedqJ52ra5AqqsA63_D3T7y4l6pWYXl4/edit?usp=sharing&authkey=CJmTjhcThe draft order is:
Round 1
1 peterdouglas38
2 calbatross
3 ed1447
4 timklucinec
5 Mr Baseball World
6 WJS6768
7 samh0711
8 joker329
9 Terry101
10 hk mossy
11 Meporioles02
13 buzz082308
14 Local152
15 hveed
16 Asherdad
17 The Turtle
18 Rant
19 blsmith7
20 Roscodog
21 thechamp87
Round 2
22 peterdouglas38
23 calbatross
24 ed1447
25 timklucinec
26 Mr Baseball World
27 WJS6768
28 joker329
29 Terry101
30 hk mossy
31 Meporioles02
29 Local152
30 hveed
31 Asherdad
32 The Turtle
33 blsmith7
I want to allow around 24 hours for people to review the lists and let me know of any possible errors.
Picks will have times assigned tomorrow evening. I will set up a new thread and post the link here. The first pick time slot will begin at 10:00 AM Eastern Time, Tuesday, June 26. Time slots will be 1 hour for each of the rounds.
Let me know if there are any questions. Thanks!