Wed Jul 18, 2018 11:30 pm
We all have busy schedules. That's part of the problem. I am not picking on any one owner, because it's happened often. But, when I am 3 or 4 in the hole, and I have to check in periodically for two days without any movement, then it's affecting my life/work balance, which is unfair.
I don't know anything about the individuals in real life that comprise this league. With 24 teams, I am sure that there are very divergent schedules and availability issues. Mahon apparently travels to China for work, which would be hectic no doubt. I run a state agency, which has it's own share of commitment issues and time restraints. Everyone is surely all over the spectrum on this.
I don't think anyone needs to get kicked or remove themselves from the league. That's not the intent. But when it is affecting other people's schedules, it should be addressed. As noted, it doesn't matter for this round. And, if this were a single owner or a single instance, it could be chalked up to "whatever" and move on. But, as indicated, it happens freguently. Think we are now gong on 30 hours waiting for movement in the draft. I am not sure how anyone thinks that's acceptable. And this isn't an hour delay, or 5, or 12. It's a day and a half (and counting...). Also, I think someone mentioned that there was some excuse based on not knowing when the draft would occur, which is wrong as the drop thread (where everyone participated) pretty clearly stated the dates and format for the supplemental.
While I am certain I am going beyond the purpose of this thread and will be chastised for such, I will finish with this: Having slots are a fair and just compromise for everyone. If someone can't make a pick, it's on them and no one else is put out. They can also (as everyone has been reminded of regularly) use a proxy to make the pick for them, thus not "losing" their pick. Accomodations are already there, it just takes the slightest effort and consideration to use them. If there were timed slots, I think they would be used and there would be no harm done.
Keeping a league intact is important, and compromises need to be made least people start leaving for the very reasons that others are staying. Middle ground is a place where we can all thrive.