Fri Sep 21, 2018 11:57 am
12 rounds
5/10/20 % drops
Any stadium
Please use proxies if you won't be around.
You can PM me your cell # and I can alert you when you pick is up
REMEMBER... You are signing up for 2 drafts. In the 2nd draft, you cannot draft anyone you drafted in this one.
Priority goes to last season's managers.
1. visick - IN
2. ironwill1-
3. Frank M - IN
4. Jeepdriver - IN
5. CATom -
6. keyzick - IN
7. splinter - IN
8. ehlekev - IN
9. hk mossy -
10. Terry101 -
11. WJS6768 - IN
12. geekor - IN
1. Palmtana
3.Ghost of Roger Maris
vivan Correcaminos! Andale! Andale!