The only time draft order doesn't win is if there are broken players like last set (I hope there isn't but I don't know). In the case where the same player is on 2 teams, the higher priced card wins. Otherwise, draft is most important.
Can you please explain the 2 Team rules? Is each owner restricted to drafting players from only 2 MLB teams? How are the teams determined? Is this a live or auto draft?
as soon as we have 12 owners a randomizer will determine the draft order. your sign up position does not matter, however u will be assigned a draft position based on the randomizer. if u end up as the number 1 spot, u will pick 1 franchise in the number 1 position, then pick a second franchise when it is your pick again at the 24th spot. u only have access to carded players from your 2 franchises. you may lose a player in the draft that u may want. if u pick the yankees u could lose |Cano to an owner that picks the mariners. so your draft strategy is important.