Fri Nov 30, 2018 11:15 am
I've never had a problem getting a response from SOM support. After seeing this topic, I went back and counted the number of times I've contacted SOM support. Over the last 2 and one half years, I contacted SOM support 87 times, on a variety of topics, including, but not limited to, various league matters, tanking managers, managers failing to comply with theme league rules, formatting of theme leagues, credits, new player cards, missing cap money, team name changes, changing ballparks, changing league start dates, rule clarifications, etc., etc. The responses from John Garcia, the SOM employee who responds to support inquiries, have always been prompt, courteous, cordial and professional. He has NEVER failed to respond and always responds in a timely fashion.
Most of my contacts with John have regarded special formatting of an ongoing franchise theme league which is entering its 12th and final season, which requires special formatting of the live draft and team divisions from SOM at the start of each season. The league is very unique among theme leagues and could never have been done without John's assistance.
As the face of the company for the online ATG game, John has been the whipping boy of the online ATG community for SOM's customer service issues. While people are often quick to complain about customer service failures, good work, which is expected, is rarely recognized or praised in this forum.
Based on my experience with John, I've always seen him as a beacon of hope in a company beset with customer service issues. For me, John has been part of the solution, not part of the problem.