What are the odds of this?

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Re: What are the odds of this?

PostMon Dec 31, 2018 9:40 pm

Whenever I hear people start tossing out the lazy term "conspiracy theory," I know something's up for sure. Sorry if America's sh!tty education system has created a generation or two of people who can't think critically. There's already been one exodus of players who were convinced something was wrong; maybe there'll be another.

What's been chronicled in this thread is a series of beyond odd situations. To shrug them off as "conspiracy theories" is both shallow and one-dimensional thinking.

As for the insult about building better teams, it's bullshit. The team I built was carefully crafted from a series of studs from the previous 1986 league. Let's take Mike Marshall, for example. In that league, he hit 50 HRs and was a top 5 slugger. This go round, he's got 1 HR in 92 at bats. That's the most egregious example, but there are others.

Whatever. I said my piece, everybody can plod along trusting a game engine we can't see, anonymous identities straight down the line, ignoring the weirdness that happens again and again. I'll vote with my dollars, there's a ton of other ways to skin a cat. Got a new New Year's resolution. Thanks!

tony best

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Re: What are the odds of this?

PostTue Jan 01, 2019 7:54 am

I am a very average manager/owner-.510 win percentage, I have only won 10 free games. Those teams went .507. I had 5 winners 4 losers and a .500 thus 5-4-1.


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Re: What are the odds of this?

PostTue Jan 01, 2019 10:54 am

TomSiebert wrote:Whenever I hear people start tossing out the lazy term "conspiracy theory," I know something's up for sure. Sorry if America's sh!tty education system has created a generation or two of people who can't think critically. There's already been one exodus of players who were convinced something was wrong; maybe there'll be another.

What's been chronicled in this thread is a series of beyond odd situations. To shrug them off as "conspiracy theories" is both shallow and one-dimensional thinking.

As for the insult about building better teams, it's bullshit. The team I built was carefully crafted from a series of studs from the previous 1986 league. Let's take Mike Marshall, for example. In that league, he hit 50 HRs and was a top 5 slugger. This go round, he's got 1 HR in 92 at bats. That's the most egregious example, but there are others.

Whatever. I said my piece, everybody can plod along trusting a game engine we can't see, anonymous identities straight down the line, ignoring the weirdness that happens again and again. I'll vote with my dollars, there's a ton of other ways to skin a cat. Got a new New Year's resolution. Thanks!


The "better teams" comment was not intended as an insult whatsoever. I simply meant that I spend my time trying to make my teams better, rather than over how an improbable event may have impacted them. No judgement at all re anyone else's teams.

As far as the "conspiracy theory" comment goes, when you put something out there like the teams you pay for win and the freebies always lose and imply that something is fishy about that, it sure sounds like you believe you are being conspired against somehow.

For me, I prefer to enjoy the game and the competition, rather than worrying about how many times improbable events may have occurred that affected my teams.

Happy New Year!


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Re: What are the odds of this?

PostWed Jan 02, 2019 10:56 pm

i was the joe dimaggio owner, for some reason he isnt quite right not sure what it is

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