What comes after the secret formula?

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Re: What comes after the secret formula?

PostMon Feb 18, 2019 10:24 pm

Post a link to the team John. Record book worthy or not that's quite the accomplishment.


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Re: What comes after the secret formula?

PostTue Feb 19, 2019 5:28 am

I've got to agree with Palmtana on that. That's got to be one for the record books.


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Re: What comes after the secret formula?

PostWed Feb 20, 2019 1:50 am

This happened around 2004, I remember because of where I lived for about a year. I went through a few years of not playing, then started again, but with a different email attached to the account.

I can try guessing at the email I had, but would Strat have those records saved on a long inactive account since 2004?

I do think I did some screen shots of the team and playoff results, and that would take some investigating too, in finding them. I do remember Ben Sheets being my newly acquired Ace. Lopez the homerun hitting catcher also,...both big money players acquired very late in the season (20% penalty).

I was in a very weak division obviously, and I had the best shot of winning the division at the 140 game mark. I revamped most of my team, aimed at beating the teams I would be clearly be meeting in the semi's and finals. Both played in big home run parks for both Lefties and Righties) but had lefty hitters dominating their line ups..

My 50 million dollar team was optimized to beat only them. I lost a little ground in the standings (over the last 20 games) but still hung on, winning by 1 game. I knew, based on the playoff teams I'd be facing, that without changes, I had no hope.

I remember all this, because it was so enjoyable and satisfying! I'm sure every player knows that feeling when a big, well thought out, strategic gamble pays off.

Anyway, I believe that very wise moves can benefit a team. Especially now, with 5%, 10% penalties (offering transactions at reduced rates has been my favorite change since then). But, in the right circumstances, changes can benefit a team, even at game 140 (at 20%).

(I think my username was johnsain, if anyone knows how to search manager records)


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Re: What comes after the secret formula?



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Re: What comes after the secret formula?

PostWed Feb 20, 2019 2:24 am

John, if you go to any of your team pages you can:

Your Account >>> All Your Teams >>> Archive of your older completed teams.

Then you can "Filter by Player Set" for each year. Happy hunting!


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Re: What comes after the secret formula?

PostWed Feb 20, 2019 4:00 am

Wow!....so it had to be the 2003 cards,...in 2004.

I will try to access the team.

I only retrieve records for 2 more recent teams when I go to 'My Account' (I use now).

Is it because I used a different email?


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Re: What comes after the secret formula?

PostWed Feb 20, 2019 4:14 am

FOUND IT!...thanks guys!


I was 80-82...LOL!

Looking at the players,...I am thinking I was way off in estimating the value at 50 mil, don't know why that figure stayed in my head.......The salaries are all identical on this page...I guess I could examine and add the salaries that year? (to see how accurate my memory was).

Anyone know how to access the salaries for 2003?

I was off about the ballpark ratings,..the team in the finals was heavy on lefty power hitters and played at Shea (I anticipated facing this team, so stacked my starting pitching staff with lefty stoppers), very near or at the transaction deadline. But I'd made many transactions before that too I feel....

Seems the box scores aren't there either. I remembered sweeping the Championship correctly.

Anyway, how about a category for Worst Record (and/or salaried) team to win a Championship?!!



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Re: What comes after the secret formula?

PostWed Feb 20, 2019 4:53 am

My pitching staff was largely revamped late in the season,...but not many of the hitters judging by the innings and at bats.

So, the 50 mil figure was off....50 mil was in my memory for some reason....that figure may represent the total salaries of those I let go?...Meaning I had taken a 20% hit on 50 mil. in transactions.

So, I guess the Championship with the mediocre record, (and sweeping the finals) was the only notable thing here (I also lost my 2 of my best hitters during the finals)....but I did do an awful lot of pitching transactions, that turned out well, late in the season near the deadline, which was the point I was originally trying to make!

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Re: What comes after the secret formula?

PostSun May 26, 2019 9:32 am

Valen wrote:Also, hoping to get more discussion going on what changes people make to settings and other internal tweaks during a season. What types of changes do you sometimes make and better yet upon what do you base your decision those decisions need to be made. Perhaps some of us might even be willing to offer up some examples of such tweaks they make and why they were made. What reports or tools did you use to determine the change needed to be made?

I have one team I manage on a series basis the reat I set and forget for the most part...
the one team I manage series by series basis I tweek base running by outfield arms and stealing by pitcher holds and catcher arms....
it is a keeper league and I will call up an extra lefty if needed or a starter with extreme split for unbalanced opponenets
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Re: What comes after the secret formula?

PostFri Jan 03, 2020 12:01 pm

Here you go:
1. There is no secret formula. J Pav often creates teams that have no back ups when players get injured. One really bad injury to a key player could mean 5 wins.

2 Never ever drop players. You are just throwing away cash. Develop a strategy and stick with it to the end. Try to spend every dollar. Make trades if you need major changes

3 During waivers pay very close attention to the parks and lineups in your division. 81 games are in your park but 36 more are in your division parks. Do you need a lefty killer because your division starts a lot of lefties?

4 Don't over pay for a closer that will only pitch 40 innings.

5 With the exception of the 5th starter in an all * 4 man rotation, make sure every player has a purpose. I use the expression "balance balance balance" to apply to my teams Not too much pitching in relation to hitting, not so much defense to sacrifice speed etc. You will use the value of every player.

6. Avoid gimmick teams. All starters under 1 million. All 1 defense. All players steal. etc.

7 Avoid using a player in a weaker position. Id you don't use him in his strongest position you are not maximizing his value.

Here is a favorite recent team that applies these principles https://365.strat-o-matic.com/team/1527990

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