We're just missing mastermosser56 and DoctorGonzo

the official tournament of the Mystery Card player sets

Moderators: Juiced JC, jaywalker72, Palmtana

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Juiced JC

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We're just missing mastermosser56 and DoctorGonzo

PostSat Mar 16, 2019 12:10 pm

We're only missing these two tournament members:
League 1 needs mastermosser56 to join.
League 4 needs DoctorGonzo to join.

If you are in a 60's, 70's or 80's league with them please send them another message.

I'm asking seanreflex to join League 3 as a filler to replace nurse wilson.

Juiced JC

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Re: We're just missing mastermosser56, RickRanger, DoctorGon

PostSat Mar 16, 2019 4:53 pm

Bump. We need to hear from these 3!


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Re: We're just missing mastermosser56, RickRanger, DoctorGon

PostSat Mar 16, 2019 6:44 pm

Do you still need me to hold off joining, Juiced? As soon as you're ready, send me to pw and I'll get in League 3. thx,


Juiced JC

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Re: We're just missing mastermosser56, RickRanger, DoctorGon

PostSat Mar 16, 2019 7:29 pm

seanreflex wrote:Do you still need me to hold off joining, Juiced? As soon as you're ready, send me to pw and I'll get in League 3. thx,


Hey Sean, as soon as Rigged Splits joins League 3 I'll send you the password and get you to join to close it out. I'd rather get the closers in first to ensure something unforeseen doesn't happen to cost them their spot (like happened to you back in the 60s round).


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Re: We're just missing mastermosser56, RickRanger, DoctorGon

PostSat Mar 16, 2019 8:39 pm

Got it, Juiced! I'm standing by to stand by!

Juiced JC

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Re: We're just missing mastermosser56 and DoctorGonzo

PostSat Mar 16, 2019 9:29 pm

RickRanger is in, so we just need mastermosser56 and DoctorGonzo!


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Re: We're just missing mastermosser56 and DoctorGonzo

PostSun Mar 17, 2019 7:09 am

I sent a message to DocGHonzo in the 60's league but no response as of yet

Juiced JC

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Re: We're just missing mastermosser56 and DoctorGonzo

PostSun Mar 17, 2019 1:36 pm

We REALLY need to hear from these two missing members. Maybe they've been off the grid for the weekend and will check in soon. We can afford to give them a little bit more time but soon we'll have to start talking about a plan to replace them and move on.

Thanks for your patience League 1 and League 4! Closers in those leagues, keep checking in regularly.

Juiced JC

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Re: We're just missing mastermosser56 and DoctorGonzo

PostMon Mar 18, 2019 7:24 am

DoctorGonzo is in now. Now we just need mastermosser56 to join. mastermosser56, please join ASAP!


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Re: We're just missing mastermosser56 and DoctorGonzo

PostMon Mar 18, 2019 8:14 am

I sent mastermosser56 a message in our 80s league over the weekend; no response yet hopefully will join soon!

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