Yes, the new guys go at the top. Make sure the guys you're using to fill in the roster didn't get taken in the last couple of rounds when you might not have paid quite as much attention.
Oh, I believe we should all just put 25 guys on our card. There didn't seem to be a consensus to change. We can take that up before the next draft starts.
Last edited by joethejet on Mon Mar 25, 2019 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
milleram wrote:Yes, I knew about all those 4 inning guys being reset to 3 inning relievers only (not all, but all the ones worth having), plus there are optional picks on the bottom of my draft list (to get to 25 or more)
Yes, 11 is the minimum--sucks--plus the 25 sucks too from the point of view of $$$--I always want .2 more anyway last couple of years--now it's even worse money wise.