Tue Apr 30, 2019 10:30 pm
I’m going to apologize now, especially since a couple of you run leagues I’m in and I know the enjoyment I get out of being in those leagues. I’ve done a poor job keeping up with the duties of being a commish and running a league, party because I have to admit my interest is not what it once was. A couple of you know this is not something that happened over night and has been on my mind for a while. I will commit to running this league through the end of the card set then I am done and will leave the league.
Peter since I can’t delete my comments in the league chat, I’ll just apologize publicly here. I’m getting more frustration than enjoyment out of this league (and a couple other leagues to be fair). The fact that I got angry about this shows I need to be less involved.
This has always been a hobby for me and one I perhaps took too seriously for the last 15 years or so.
I know this may seem like sour grapes on my part but it’s truthfully more of a revelation of where I’m at.