19.3 Nominations Discussion

Discussion for new cards to add; moderated by Rosie2167

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Verbal Warrior

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Re: 19.3 Nominations Discussion

PostSun Apr 28, 2019 6:55 pm

Name me one ATG who's done this before.


All this Messersmith talk, guy doesn't have 'throw a glove/ball to 1B' on his resume does he? ;)


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Re: 19.3 Nominations Discussion

PostMon Apr 29, 2019 11:25 am

Small ball teams could really use that Pepper Martin card! Vote for Pepper!


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Re: 19.3 Nominations Discussion

PostMon Apr 29, 2019 11:53 am

"How are we feeling about the 68 Messersmith card which was accomplished in only 5 starts and some relief appearances, totaling 81 total innings? We already one of his best cards (1974), although 1969 or 1975 may be slightly better.
Is this a road we want to go down?...…."

My opinion remains.

If you nominate a freakin card, you NEED to use him.
Is that too hard?
Or else why are you nominating a card? (Like before when someone met a player in a bathroom and liked him)

Can we see from DD what cards are being used? I can't figure out how to do that anymore.
Ya know the memorable cards like Jack Morris and his 5L, or Mussina and his 5L...
The 1986 Hubie Brooks?
The 1969 Don Kessinger?

I threw Aguilera into the mix. Why? The Twins need help in the pen. He had a few good seasons with them.
I like being able to justify a nomination.
A quote like " We could always use another ___________" doesn't cut it.
Especially when there are teams that could use help. (ie. Theme leagues, or certain cap leagues)

I know this will get ripped apart by some. So have at it. Just nominate frickin picks that people will use... :roll:


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Re: 19.3 Nominations Discussion

PostMon Apr 29, 2019 1:00 pm

visick wrote:
My opinion remains.

If you nominate a freakin card, you NEED to use him.
Is that too hard?
Or else why are you nominating a card? (Like before when someone met a player in a bathroom and liked him)

Can we see from DD what cards are being used? I can't figure out how to do that anymore.
Ya know the memorable cards like Jack Morris and his 5L, or Mussina and his 5L...
The 1986 Hubie Brooks?
The 1969 Don Kessinger?

I threw Aguilera into the mix. Why? The Twins need help in the pen. He had a few good seasons with them.
I like being able to justify a nomination.
A quote like " We could always use another ___________" doesn't cut it.
Especially when there are teams that could use help. (ie. Theme leagues, or certain cap leagues)

I know this will get ripped apart by some. So have at it. Just nominate frickin picks that people will use... :roll:

I guess I'll take the bait.

1) I'd like to see the discussion remain civil. I don't get all of the apparent anger in your post.
2) Seems to me that if you have no way of knowing what cards are being used, then you don't have any supporting evidence for your beef.
3) I do like nominations that comment on why the card would be a good addition to to the set, but it takes enough votes to get a player added, so no need to crucify the nominator.
4) If I nominate a card and it ends up being priced at a steep premium, in my opinion, am I going to use it more than once? Very unlikely.
5) Unless you play across all caps and in a lot of leagues (which I do), you may not see when newer cards are being used. For example, I have seen the Kessinger card used in a couple of 60m leagues. I see an abundance of newer cards being used in many leagues across all caps.



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Re: 19.3 Nominations Discussion

PostMon Apr 29, 2019 1:17 pm

I am not quite certain how this works but I would love to see the 1930 Lou Gehrig card added to the ATG set.



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Re: 19.3 Nominations Discussion

PostMon Apr 29, 2019 1:57 pm


I try to remain as civil as possible. Sorry but like in a text, you can't tell attitude. I'm just having fun.

Like I said before, if we got cards on a, in my mind, fairly consistent basis, I wouldn't mind.
Coupled with ZERO communication from the powers that be.
I get animated about this stuff.

Diamond Dope use to be able to calculate when guys were being used. I don't think it does that anymore.

I play in all types of ATG leagues. I continually see cards that were nominated and chosen sitting in the FA pile.

Just out of curiosity, what's an example of a card that you nominated that was overpriced?


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Re: 19.3 Nominations Discussion

PostMon Apr 29, 2019 2:25 pm

Understood, thanks.

I don't recall an example of one of my nominees meeting that fate, but I have seen others, of course. I just brought that up to make a point.

I do feel that over the last couple of years we are getting new cards on a fairly consistent basis. I know Strat runs behind at times, but I look at the entire year and the 125+ new cards.

Most of the newer cards, in my opinion, have been priced at least somewhat reasonably and many of them do get used quite a bit (again, in my opinion). I use many of them myself.

What I would really like to see is Strat occasionally reprice cards downward that never get used, and bump the price upward on those that have the highest usage rates.

What I don't want to see is a scenario where enough people are griping about new cards not being used to the point that Strat just pulls the plug on the whole thing.


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Re: 19.3 Nominations Discussion

PostMon Apr 29, 2019 3:59 pm

I enjoy the card adds, it's a fun exercise. It's nice to have more choices for regular leagues, different caps, and franchise leagues. However, the contrarian in me asks, "when do we have too many cards in the set?"

In the early days of ATG, part of the strategy was creating a good draft card, because, with the smaller pool at that time, a bad draft could be a team killer. I remember those days of checking out my drafted team as soon as it was available, or staying up til all hours making sure I was ready for the Frenzy. However, as the player pool continued to increase, draft strategy became less important because of the larger, more varied pool.
The last place this use of Autodraft strategy was occurring was the high cap, 200m and more leagues. But with the additions to give more 200m options, that conversely takes away some of the drafting strategy at those high caps.

The Law of Unintended Consequences can be a real thing. I just wonder if we add TOO MANY cards, do we run that risk?

(Again, not arguing against adding cards, just food for thought)


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Re: 19.3 Nominations Discussion

PostMon Apr 29, 2019 4:33 pm

Smoky Burgess only has 2 votes. The card will be used. Blanchard is used so I know Smoky will be. We need this card.


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Re: 19.3 Nominations Discussion

PostMon Apr 29, 2019 4:37 pm

andycummings65 wrote:I enjoy the card adds, it's a fun exercise. It's nice to have more choices for regular leagues, different caps, and franchise leagues. However, the contrarian in me asks, "when do we have too many cards in the set?"

In the early days of ATG, part of the strategy was creating a good draft card, because, with the smaller pool at that time, a bad draft could be a team killer. I remember those days of checking out my drafted team as soon as it was available, or staying up til all hours making sure I was ready for the Frenzy. However, as the player pool continued to increase, draft strategy became less important because of the larger, more varied pool.
The last place this use of Autodraft strategy was occurring was the high cap, 200m and more leagues. But with the additions to give more 200m options, that conversely takes away some of the drafting strategy at those high caps.

The Law of Unintended Consequences can be a real thing. I just wonder if we add TOO MANY cards, do we run that risk?

(Again, not arguing against adding cards, just food for thought)

You can play with a limited player pool anytime by going with a random set of 'x' number of cards. Or by various other means. The limited pool random sets are very entertaining, as it is a different set every time. We have an ongoing league using random 1000 card sets.

We certainly still need a bunch of cards for the newer franchises and I like getting some of the more current cards in the set as well. And there are still a bunch of players with sizeable MLB careers without cards in the set.

While the limited sets are entertaining as an alternative, I believe the more cards the better. In my opinion it should be more about who can build a better team, rather than the luck of the draft. (I realize live draft leagues are a whole different story, but that's not my bag).

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