NLD 50 Golden Glove Anniversary

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Re: NLD 50 Golden Glove Anniversary

PostSat Apr 27, 2019 1:58 pm

Jeepdriver wrote:Another 9th inning lead blown. I can't tell you how many of those I've had this season, games in my pocket, only to find a way to let the lead slip.That's why I've been quiet here, all those frustrations.

Ah Jeep, come on man, that's what the forum is for! Come and vent your frustrations.

I have to say, however, that you're way down the list in Blown Saves.

Our squad is at the "top" with 18, but we're just happy that we finally have more saves than BS.

Of course, your 2-7 record in extras (same with you Doug) has to be frustrating for sure.


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Re: NLD 50 Golden Glove Anniversary

PostSat Apr 27, 2019 3:37 pm

My fielding is top 4 or 5 in stats, though I know it is x-chances in strat--even there it is .744 which is better than expected so far. With all those 3 fielders allowing hits (and not turning many DP) I should have expected my pitching to be a bit worse. Anyway this team is somewhat of an experiment after my poor year last year, I almost never spend this much on pitching, or go with all 3 fielders up the middle--but I have a theory that 3 fielders are the best deal for the dollars generally--(if they "ain't DHing")

Jeep seems to have the same luck/or disease I had last year--at least so far (I hope it turns around for you)--a successful year then I had my worse year by far---klx seems immune to the letdown syndrome so far.


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Re: NLD 50 Golden Glove Anniversary

PostSat Apr 27, 2019 11:53 pm

Now 19 1-run losses. Five more than next closest.


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Re: NLD 50 Golden Glove Anniversary

PostSun Apr 28, 2019 2:39 am

Jeepdriver wrote:Now 19 1-run losses. Five more than next closest.

Yeah, you and Doug and Smokey are all -5 in one run games. You've played a LOT of them, 33. Dale has played 32. I believe the next closes is 28 by many teams.

Milleram, I haven't looked at the total D situation, but I believe that your D/Pitching combo is only a little below average.


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Re: NLD 50 Golden Glove Anniversary

PostSun Apr 28, 2019 8:13 am

Congrats, Joe on being the one to finally knock off Spider in extras. He was 7-0 going into last night, but no more.


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Re: NLD 50 Golden Glove Anniversary

PostMon Apr 29, 2019 12:40 am

FALCON29 wrote:Congrats, Joe on being the one to finally knock off Spider in extras. He was 7-0 going into last night, but no more.

Wow, didn't realize that! Wish it would have kept me from losing 2 one runners to Stoney and getting swept tonight. :( :cry:


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Re: NLD 50 Golden Glove Anniversary

PostMon Apr 29, 2019 10:29 am

If only I could win on the road....

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Re: NLD 50 Golden Glove Anniversary

PostMon Apr 29, 2019 2:46 pm

FALCON29 wrote:Congrats, Joe on being the one to finally knock off Spider in extras. He was 7-0 going into last night, but no more.

Then Semper got me for another last night. Winning the close ones is the only thing keeping this team even (well, fielding may be helping a bit). :roll:


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Re: NLD 50 Golden Glove Anniversary

PostWed May 01, 2019 1:33 am

Team Ratings were done this afternoon before tonight's games.
Code: Select all
Team...   O...   P...   F..   P+F.   Ovrl   Div
SemperG   8051   4966   381   5347   2704   W
Stoney.   7673   4780   353   5132   2540   W
KLX....   8055   5093   465   5558   2496   W
JoeTJet   7965   4988   560   5549   2416   C
Dale...   7423   4643   390   5033   2390   E
Doug...   7877   5058   436   5494   2383   W
Millerm   7851   4627   875   5502   2349   C
BigAlrc   7049   4697   33   4730   2318   C
Jeep...   7867   5124   451   5575   2292   C
Smokey.   8028   5450   311   5761   2267   E
Falcon.   7715   5178   472   5650   2203   E
Spider.   7762   5355   359   5714   2049   E

Code: Select all
Divi   Offn   Ptch   Fld   P+F   Overall
East   7732   5157   383   5539   2227
Cent   7683   4859   480   5339   2344
West   7914   4974   409   5383   2531

The West has the best ratings (poor Doug) while the East is, ahem, not rated well. Best pitching is in the Central, but not by much over the West which has the best O by quite a bit.


Code: Select all
Team Ov   Ovrl   Rtg   Rec   Dif   
SemperG   2704   2   6   -4   W
Stoney.   2540   4   3   1   W
KLX....   2496   4   5   -1   W
JoeTJet   2416   5   4   1   C
Dale...   2390   5   6   -1   E
Doug...   2383   5   9   -4   W
Millerm   2349   6   4   2   C
BigAlrc   2318   6   7   -1   C
Jeep...   2292   7   8   -1   C
Smokey.   2267   7   6   1   E
Falcon.   2203   8   5   3   E
Spider.   2049   11   7   4   E

According to the ratings Semper should have the best record and he's underperforming by a good bit as is Doug. Spider is over with Falcon somewhat over. Everyone else is close enough.


The reason for Semp's record not being what the ratings should be is clearly in his offense. Everyone else is close enough that it's hard to really pick anything out.

Code: Select all
Team Of   O   Rtg   Run   Dif
KLX....   8055   2   4   -2
SemperG   8051   2   9   -7
Smokey.   8028   2   1   1
JoeTJet   7965   3   4   -1
Doug...   7877   4   5   -1
Jeep...   7867   4   5   -1
Millerm   7851   4   5   -1
Spider.   7762   5   5   0
Falcon.   7715   6   7   -1
Stoney.   7673   7   5   2
Dale...   7423   9   7   2
BigAlrc   7049   12   11   1


Falcon is over and Stoney somewhat so, the rest are close enough..

Code: Select all
Team PF   P+F   Rtg   Run   Dif
BigAlrc   4730   1   2   -1
Dale...   5033   4   5   -1
Stoney.   5132   4   1   3
SemperG   5347   6   7   -1
Doug...   5494   7   9   -2
Millerm   5502   7   5   2
JoeTJet   5549   8   6   2
KLX....   5558   8   7   1
Jeep...   5575   8   8   0
Falcon.   5650   9   5   4
Spider.   5714   10   10   0
Smokey.   5761   11   12   -1

I don't have the actuals figured yet, but here are the fielding ratings

Code: Select all
Fieldng   FRt
BigAlrc   33
Smokey.   311
Stoney.   353
Spider.   359
SemperG   381
Dale...   390
Doug...   436
Jeep...   451
KLX....   465
Falcon.   472
JoeTJet   560
Millerm   875


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Re: NLD 50 Golden Glove Anniversary

PostWed May 01, 2019 4:47 pm

Ok, so a summary of what the pure ratings would predict.


Ratings would say this is the worst division in the league. Literally the bottom 3 teams are from the East. Dale should handily run away with it and there is no chance that the WC will come from the East.


Very closely rated teams. JTJ a little ahead of Miller with Big A and Jeep a little bit farther back. Rating would suggest that JTJ is the favorite, but Milleram would certainly not surprise.


Best division in the league by far with the top three rated teams here. Ratings would say that Semper should take it, but Stones and KLX aren't far back. Were Doug in another division he would be right there or even a favorite, but in the West? No chance.

Park by Park comparison

Ok, so I ran the teams' ratings in each park and there are some interesting notes to make. Normally the park by park ratings mirror pretty closely the "pure" ratings, but in this case, there are some anomalies.

What these ratings do is compare each team's rating against the other teams in the league comparing ONLY the parks that the two teams will actually play each other in. Here are the rankings where you get +1 if you're "significantly" above the other team and -1 if you're significantly below. Note, this does NOT account for the bonus for being better within your division.

Here are the results:

Code: Select all
Team…   Adv   Div
Miller   16   C
Stoney   16   W
KLX...   10   W
Semper   7   W
Big A.   2   C
JTJ...   1   C
Smokey   -2   E
Dale..   -2   E
Doug..   -3   W
Jeep..   -5   C
Falcon   -20   E
spider   -20   E

These ratings would change the above predictions as so:

East - Smokey and Dale should battle it out with Falcon and spider still at the bottom.

Central- Miller is clearly the best team with Big A and JTJ having an outside chance at the WC

West - Big surprise that Semper drops so far. That's unusual when I do this. Tells me that he's good in some parks, but not others. This would predict that Stoney should win it with KLX and Semp being the odds on favorites for the WC.

Actual Situation

East - Well, it's really still too close to call. Given the above you would expect Smokey and Dale to pull away. It's no surprise, however, that only one team is above .500

Central - Pretty much right on the ratings with the exception that Miller is better in more parks. Obviously Jeep's -8 one run record has hurt him too.

West - The park comparison helps make more sense out of Semper's third place standing and Stoney's big lead on KLX. It is surprising that Doug hasn't done better outside the division, but the -6 one run record makes a difference there.

Anyway, for what it's worth..... Comments?????

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